Customer Service. Drone Boats: Inside the U.S. Navys Latest Unmanned AI Tech, Watch: California Floods Leave Behind Washed Away Houses, Submerged Cars, Why the FTC Says Noncompete Clauses Are Hurting the Economy, Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Detained in Germany During Coal Mine Protest. Yes Jack, this is what we need. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I could stand to lose a few pounds. I've given enough money for their addictively engineered products. is this what we want to teach our kids? It says smokers consume about 25% more health care services than nonsmokers. Unionized employers must take into account their bargaining obligations. Ive had the privilege of knowing more than a few extraordinarily brilliant people from whose mouths seemed to spill spontaneous gems of polished prose. While it's true that smoking does cost the healthcare system a significant amount of money each year, it's also worth considering the extra taxes smokers are paying. The bottom line is when you combine these problems with the fact that we work too much as a society, and leave little time for physical activity and recreation , we have a big problem. does this. For example, a 40-year-old nonsmoking female and a 40-year-old smoking female would pay the same premium for the same policy. If the answer is a choice between free behavior modification/education and wasting money on junk food, and they choose to waste money, this will decrease the money for waste, and encourage adopting behavior to save that money. As long as there are no consequences for these people for their choices why would they change. Tobacco is addictive, and quitting can be tough. Insurance companies argue that its only fair to charge tobacco users more. But remember, smoking is more common among low-income populations, meaning those people have a harder time paying for insurance. Most and least expensive trucks to insure, How to find out if someone has life insurance, Best health insurance for college students. Of course they should pay more. we should just make them pay more for their HEALTH care if they end up fat or smoke a pack All Rights Reserved. How much is that costing us ? Use more, pay more. We do not charge a person more that jay walks and gets hit by a car and we do not charge the Gal that has a child every year more because she gives birth like a rabbit. After a string of violent crimes involving mentally ill people who are homeless, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for police and emergency medical workers to involuntarily remove people with severe mental illness from the streets and bring them to hospitals for psychiatric evaluation. A person who has been smoking two packs a day for 30 years has a significantly greater chance of developing lung cancer than someone who has been smoking only a few cigarettes a week for a few years. As a former smoker I firmly believe that people who engage in unhealthy and unsafe activities should pay more health care but then that only works if they have insurance. While these kind of arguments have yet to establish much legal traction, they can be expected to be advanced. Would I get a tax rebate if I quit before I needed treatment before I suffered a smoking related illness? I realize this is a difficult area to try to control as some activites are based on genetic predisposition, etc. Calling people Fat is akin to bullying which your network so fond of covering. People who've had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they're more likely to acquire other diseases? A) Yes! Working-age Americans are not legally required to purchase health insurance. Thus, when smokers are faced with a steep surcharge, some of themespecially younger ones who dont yet suffer from the long-term consequences of smokingsimply decide to forgo insurance. Should the middle class continue to pay the taxes for the 1%? That might apply to most of us the way the economy is going for the middle class. Please click OK to accept. Australia: We saved our average customer $320* on their average annual premium! Image via iStock, Improved life expectancy. See where I'm going with this. They should only be charged more if 1) their habits actually incur measurably more cost, and 2) those individuals without the same habits get a discount. Another thing to keep in mind: although smoking does not affect your health insurance premiums at the moment, it is possible that the rules could change in future. For those of us who must struggle in our writing to convey with clarity the complicated ideas we are driven to share, Wills gift for off-the-cuff eloquence was awe-inspiring. Private health insurance for smokers - Do they pay more? This is provocatively simplistic, betrays the lack of decency befouling this country, and represents why government can't leave corporations to run health care. Generally speaking, healthcare costs are higher for smokers, and they often have higher rates of absences. Critics worry these kinds of penalties will hurt poor people the most, since health care costs consume a bigger part of their income and they may not have as much access to gyms or fresh food. prehaps they will be more motivated to change their behavior and adopt more healthy habits. E) Probably not. Quit smoking; start working out. yu hve people tht are nt big n hve mre medical problems than for smoker yu no they read the warning n America is stubborn abt taken advice. In a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Ezekiel Emanuel and colleagues clearly illustrate the relevance of ethical considerations to policy deliberations concerning public health emergencies. I run and workout quite a bit and in physical shape, but according to Body Mass Index, I'm considered obese. All this can be prevented, there is no excuse whatsoever for smoking and for remaining overweight and not actively trying to change. The financial products compared on this website do not necessarily compare all features that may be relevant to you. Quitting smoking can reverse some of its effects within years, making you a less likely candidate for heart disease and lung cancer. Once you start separating the herd you'll need to take out sky divers, surfers, race car drivers, anorexics, clumsy people, etc., etc., etc. That one's a bit harder because while being overweight, such as gross obesity, is a health issue, being overweight is relative and doesn't have as close a correlative relationship to health as smoking does. For one, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents employees in group health plans from being charged more because of a health factor, which includes health status, medical condition and claims experience, among other things. Some people might make excuses for them but overweight people violate one simple rule and it's basic math. Then He Blurted out without being called upon. How would you feel about riding in a car that drives itself? Why stop at smokers and the obese. In the whole debate about rising health care costs we have been avoiding the issue of personal responsibility yes people who make an effort to live a healthy life should be rewarded with lower insurace premiums. While the Affordable Care Act ends the era of denying people with pre-existing conditions access to health care, it allows insurance companies to charge tobacco users up to 50% more for their monthly premiums. However, lying is fraud, and you can be denied coverage if you misrepresent yourself. The same with booze, and other things that costs the country money to fix. He has a brain tumor. People should pay extra for these procliviites. No. But this is not true. That's their problem! Many can only afford cheap hamburgers, bologna, potatoes, mac and cheese, and cheap frozen pizzas-Especially in the South where wages are generally lower. Iam a fat smoker and I say no. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. This is a great idea. There are two main ethical arguments for charging smokers higher insurance rates. This is a long term problem that will take 50 years to correct in our society and it begins in the classroom when children our young with mandatory daily courses in health and physical education. Think of the savings in paperwork. Charging people rates based on their personal risks protects insurance companies against moral hazard, people taking risks without bearing the consequences. If they can pay for their smoking, there is no way they can not pay for their additional cost of their own health care, if they can kill them selves with money why to be burden other people who lives healthy life style. It's no secret that quitting cigarettes isn't as easy as not lighting up. The wellness program must satisfy the following four requirements: Another potential legal problem arises from the Americans with Disabilities Acts prohibition against discriminating in benefits with respect to qualified individuals with disabilities. If your home is large, on a beach, in an earthquake or hurricane zone you pay more. Besides, if you make obese people a political issue you will lose at the ballot box because most of are obese. If I wasn't so blessed, I couldn't afford medical insurance at all. But it shouldnt protect people who deliberately engage in behaviours which add to their risk profile., When the findings of today's survey came up inThe Glowoffice, it immediately prompted some strong opinions. Therefore, any reliance placed on the information provided on the CompareClub website is at the user's own risk. However, not everyone agrees that this should be the case. I think that is a very good method. 'Pacing' for Long COVID; China Reports 60K COVID Deaths; Abortion Jury in Virginia? Smokers can abstain from smoking if they wish to. Due to the increased risk, those who smoke can pay more for their monthly premium. Talk to your doctor. Microenvironment May Predict Sustained MRD Negativity in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma, Promise of CTCs in Metastatic Breast Cancer Management. It's just that simple. Yes, Jack. His trial work has involved virtually all areas of labor and employment practice, including employment discrimination, harassment, wage and hour, wrongful discharge, FMLA, public accommodation under the ADA and labor litigation. "Tobacco use" is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. Fat people and smokers definetly should pay more for their Health Insurance. And the fat cat CEO's should go on a compensation diet so that more of the money they collect in premiums goes to heath care. Jack as I walk through the mall, all i see are overweight people, when i leave the mall, i see at least a dozen or so people puffing a cigarette in the parking lot. Why should I continue to support bad behavior by paying for it. then you need to curb the amount being used. Jack, Where do you draw the line? Every day, I wish more and more that Canada wasn't so damn cold. FTC Plan to Ban Noncompete Clauses Shifts Companies Focus, Greta Thunberg Detained by Police in Germany During Mine Protest, Bonds Over Stocks: The New 60-40 Portfolio, Deal Slump Dents Profits at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Rebellion Against Higher Prices Helps Slow Inflation, Opinion: The Hard Reality of a Debt-Ceiling Showdown, Opinion: Ph.D. Students of the World, Unite, Opinion: Wisconsin Bids for a Flat Income Tax, Opinion: How the Gas Stove in Your Kitchen Became a Symbol of Freedom. When they get their habits under control then their premiums could also be lowered. Walk. When insurance companies price smokers out of their products, we all pay. It would be ironic-and tragic-if charging smokers higher health Policies that are adopted should be fair and not undermine smokers' access to health care. It's about personal responsibility. Offering health insurance is a choice employeers can make, so why should employeers have to to pay more for an employee who knowingly chose to live a unhealthy lifestyle? Or a family history of pancreatic cancer? Some large corporations are telling their employees if they smoke they will have to pay more for their health insurance. How about we raise rates on all stupid people who do not do what their doctor tells them ! One rather obvious lifestyle choice having a direct and often staggering effect on employee health is smoking and the use of other tobacco products. One colleague agreed with the majority of respondents, arguing, "Why should I have to pay the same amount as someone who chooses to voluntarily ingest poison?". Should smokers and fat people pay more for health care? Last week, Dallas County in Texas joined the growing ranks of employers that charge employees who smoke a higher monthly health insurance premium than employees who don't light up. They do not live as long and even getting treatment for those conditions is no fun. Exercise at home. Jack, But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Smokers, however, should definitely pay more for health care, etc. The ACA recognizes the increased costs associated with smoking employees by allowing insurers to raise smokers premiums up to 50 percent over those paid by non-smokers. Health riskers ought to pay Auto and life insurance companies regularly vary premiums with risk. I have always thought it odd that smokers are so shunned, at least in part because of the health problems and costs they bring, while the wilfully overweight are victims of the fast food industry. Carol Duh-Leong is a medical student who blogs atProgress Notes. Fair is fair! Experts say that smokers disproportionately have lower incomes, so that a premium surcharge will hit them especially hard. That means they have to go to the local charity hospital for treatment for care. The slim & trim one, or the one who's got a medium waistline that goes with their body / or height proportionate, or the 3 pack a day smoker ? Founded in 2004 byKevin Pho, MD, is the webs leading platform where physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical students, and patients share their insight and tell their stories. According to the utilitarian argument, charging smokers more will encourage them to quit, which will improve public health and reduce societys smoking-related costs. The more people need it, the more it goes up. are killing us anyway wth bills n medicine we are always use as the puppets. So why can't people with bad health habits be considered high risks also. The company dropped it due to lack of interest. Most insurance plans cover smoking-cessation programs. Instead of punishing people, why not reward them? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. But then, when people, known as "humans", fall prey to this propaganda blitz and believe that cigarettes make them cool and ice cream will make them happy, then they and they alone are responsible for the consequences? 6."Health Insurance Surcharges for Tobacco Users: State and Federal Rules." Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1- 844-704-7357), 24 hours a day/7 days. 2023 Compare Club, All Rights Reserved. Smokers should pay for their own health costs. Tobacco use is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. Severance, a popular Emmy Award-winning show streaming on Apple TV+, is a rich cultural artifact. And all program materials must disclose the availability of the alternative. charge higher insurance premiums to employees who smoke, and some companies refuse to hire smokers. Another incentive. Just look at the people riding the motorized shopping carts. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors, not The Hastings Center. People who work in office jobs and sit all day since that's terrible for you? This is self-inflicted risk that clearly results in higher medical costs. A solid majority 59 percent say that smokers should pay more for health insurance than nonsmokers. Health insurers are divided in how they treat users of e-cigarettes, which deliver nicotine but are not a tobacco product. About the Author Australia's private health cover system is community rated, which means that people get the same price for a policy no matter their age, gender, or health status. cy from arlington, va. Compare Club makes finding a home loan simple. The most obviou and clearest cases of physical abuse by a person on themselves should cost the perpetrator. Smokers elect to smoke and know that they are harming themselves. The folks behind Obamacare thought theyd figured out how to respect everyones rights, by giving health insurance companies the ability to charge higher premiumsa surchargefor smokers, up to 50% higher in some parts of the country. Yes Yes yes and More more more! "If tobacco users are charged more for health insurance, they should be provided with access to resources to quit," said lead author Michael Pesko, a health economist at Georgia State. ), and that they are concerned with expense. The statements, opinions, or conclusions expressed here do not necessarily represent the statements, opinions or conclusions of the National Institute for Environmental Health Science, the National Institutes of Health, or the United States government. Health care costs more for them (even though both overeating and tobacco are addictoions when they started they knew the dangers). No subscription fees, no paywalls. We're both fat, and we both smoke. If we are to receive adequate healthcare in this very backward country, we must rein the medical industry in tightly. Obamacare's effect on small business: An unintended consequence? Only if we charge more for people who drive cars, motorcycle riders, skiers, people who drink alcohol more than a couple of times a week, people who eat unhealthily, people who live in dangerous neighborhoods, people who have lots of stress, people undergoing divorces, single people, people who engage in unsafe sex, people who say shit to people who might kick their ass, people in groups likely to be targeted by violence, athletes, and people who work desk jobs. Smoking is the No. If more funds need to be collected for certain types of unhealthy behavior why not let the tobacco companies pick up the tab for smokers, fast food restaurants that don't serve healthy food (some do serve healthy food, like Qdoba) for the obese or have type 2 diabetes, if it is certain their condition is caused by unhealthy eating. Smoking? Health insurers in Germany have conducted studies which have shown that smokers die younger than non-smokers. This is not about poor genes. Just because someone is living large doesn't mean that it is by choice nor unhealthy. Why not address the problem which is "lack of health care" or "the gross expense of health care" rather than take a view that would increase the expense? Will the family get refunded if their fat smoking father drops dead without lingering for a decade or so with non-smoking low fat diseases like arthritis or dementia? These include, but are not limited to: man buns and beards; whether jam or cream goes first on a scone; the colour of The Dress; and smoking. While we endeavour to provide information that is accurate and up to date, we make no warranties or representations about the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information, graphics, products or services offered or contained on the website. Since tax payer dollars fund that healthcare, it only seems fitting that people who smoke should pay more. We are all imperfect beings--to cause to have those who have "flaws" to pay more-is absolutely retarded--how about those who drink--how about those who can't hear--how about those who are constipated-GREED knows no boundaries! If everyone paid the same rate, nonsmokers would have to share the health-care costs stemming from smokers habits. Use whatever they have on hand as weights. (As usual, check state and local laws to be sure.) We have no control over these companies, their offers, website content, products/services, or the availability and nature of their products/services. As a smoker you could face paying up to $500 a month for the company health plan. This surcharge is also known as tobacco rating, and states may opt out or . Jack Cafferty sounds off hourly on the Situation Room on the stories crossing his radar. Oh cool! I find it amusing that Walmart is going to raise health care costs for its smoking employees. In the case of weight gain I'm not so sure that can all be attributed to bad behavior. However, I don't think there should be a set fee. which in fact may be caused by preventable environmental conditions. Although most states allow the surcharge to be up to 50 percent, its not happening, she says. You may change your billing preferences at any time in the Customer Center or call But, that's a crummy example to set for the vast majority of us who don't. Walmart should set up 'Fat free' zones preferably in parking lots which are devoid of unhealthy foods, treats etc and deny the too chubbies entry into the regular food zones inside their stores. Thoughts? A close examination of the arguments for and against this policy reveals that it is not. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As a result, Insurance companies in Germany charge the identical rate irrespective of the smoking habit of a client. For individual health plans the kind you buy on your own the Affordable Care Act lets insurance companies charge 50 percent higher premiums for smokers than nonsmokers. Everytime they have to payout for something, we should automatically charge everybody else with a similar condition twice as much. You will be charged In The Cure for Politicized Pediatric Gender Care, Moti Gorin argues that a U.S.-based systematic review, conducted by a trusted major medical organization such as the National Institutes of Health or the National Academy of Medicine, is needed to develop consistent standards for pediatric gender care. As a reformed smoker it was hard to quit, but I now save a ton of money by not smoking at 10 bucks a pack. And again if the Doctor says you need help in achieving your goal in health. You get what you reward! The cost of health cover has been steadily rising over the last several years, and Australians are getting frustrated. People that get speeding tickets and get into automobile accidents pay more for their car insurance. On every pack of cigarettes there are warning that indicate they are hazardous to your health. A complete guide to short-term health insurance. Find out more about life insurance for smokers here. The reason for the move has come because companies are saying smokers cost them more money in medical costs and so the extra cost is just being passed down. Here are a few tips for quitting smoking: Find your why. Most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance, but they have mixed views on how to help the millions without any health insurance, according. First, the surcharge makes insurance more expensive, meaning it is harder for people to afford. Of course, this is America, corporations are free to do anything they want and individuals pay all the freight. The fact of the matter is that these people are just enablers. Therefore, they cost LESS than non-smokers who live longer and who will suffer other costly age-related diseases. Not everyone is meant to be a size two. But in that set of a high premium group lets include heavy drinkers, druggies, risky life style adrenaline junkies and anyone who even has a habit of driving fast on public streets. And we'd love to know where you're writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment. How much do you think a video cassette player would sell for these days? over- worriers, those who don't worry enough. As for being overweight, it doesn't cost anything to walk either in the mornings or evenings, and staying away from the dingdongs and cheezypoofs might help as well. No. Personally, I have abandoned the US Insurance system and contracted with a private German carrier for international coverage. Please see our FSG. Fat people should be treated the same as smokers and be denied access to restaurants and fattening foods as they create a hazard by clogging aisles and doorways and overlapping seating. However, because smokers and obese people die younger than healthy individuals, healthy individuals had the highest lifetime health care expenditures. "let the Insurance companies charge anyone a penalty, "These things in no way compare to the unnecessarily harmful effects of smoking on both the people smoking and the people around them who are also forced to suck up their toxic fumes," colleague #1 responds. On top of that just tell me how to live my life too. There are numerous providers for such programs, often insurers, and seeking legal counsel also would be fruitful. I'm one who believes those who are unhealthy should pay more. Genetic factors can also increase health risks, but genetic discrimination in employment and insurance is illegal in the U.S. and many countries. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". If those at a higher risk paid more for health cover, it would theoretically reduce the cost for other people. Social engineering though tax policies never works. You will be notified in advance of any changes in rate or terms. By the 1980s, smokers were already paying more for life insurance than their nonsmoking counterparts. I am a physician and behavioral scientist at Duke University. Thus, charging smokers higher rates would imply a commitment to higher rates for people who are obese, have high cholesterol, or engage in hazardous activities, such as motorcycle riding. Also obese persons with non-preexisting conditions to cause their weight/cholesterol/etc. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Likewise, the ideal customer for the health insurance companies are those who are perfectly healthy and not in need of insurance. Furthermore, since most people who smoke are of lower income, this results in an additional barrier to coverage when they have to pay an extra premium to receive coverage. 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