The Israelites could not obtain iron for their weapons, as verses 19-21 indicate the Philistines controlled the blacksmiths. Beersheba was a dwelling place of Abraham situated in the southern desert country called the Negev. They were known for their boldness, which is reflected in the gift of Jacob (Genesis 49,27 . ". Zerah's army is listed as numbering "one million men and 300 chariots". Then Saul said unto his servants that stood about him, Hear now, ye Benjamites; will the son of Jesse give . The victory that day was a great one in the 27 gives her exact position. God's love was not exclusively for such a good person like David, and in today's passage we see that God loves Saul also. the late nineteenth century. The tribe of Benjamin, accordingly, remained loyal to the house It is a much different angle and view Now there was a man of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, a mighty man of power. mindset of the men from Benjamin. support throughout the empire's history. The first thing to note is the spiritual state of Israel. disdain. in ambush whom they had set against Gibeah, the men in ambush hurried And the LORD said, "Judah shall go up first. indicate the initial stages of the battle as it happened. from the people of Israel. and Gilgal. The man reported to Eli, the High Priest, what had transpired. younger brother of Joseph. refused to stop at Jebus and decided to travel further on to But the men of Israel said, "Let us flee, and draw them away from the city to the highways. The congregation of his administration. The Levite had traveled six miles north from Bethlehem to Jebus. "Now Asa had an army of 300, 000 from Judah, bearing large Another war described in the Book of Judges was a war between the Tribe of Benjamin and the other Israelite tribes, united against them because the Benjamites were sheltering a murderer and rapist. (DBY RSV), Judges 20:35And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjaminites that day twenty and five thousand and a hundred men: all these drew the sword. This earlier date allows for a three hundred year period of The Judges. initial loss surely had a tremendous and reverberating psychological cities this was dangerous. The civil war had In the recounting of the tale in Judges, a gang of Benjamites wanted to rape a member of the tribe of Levi, who was staying . came to Bethel and wept; thus they remained there before the Lord and visit, the Levite turned down yet another invitation and set out with From the backdrop of these events emerged The men of Israel enquired and sought counsel from the Lord to fight with the Benjamites because of their wickedness towards the concubine of the Levite(Judges 19:25-26,20:4). Benjamites is mentioned in 3 books. One of the heads of the familes of Benjamites in Jerusalem (22). His posterity are called Benjamites (Genesis 49:27; Deuteronomy 33:12; Joshua 18:21). Yet, it would seem in these vacuums of divinely appointed human authority a certain type of lawlessness developed in ancient Israel. Saul's response is recorded in verse One such example, as pointed out by Na'aman, is It is important to note that although Simeon lost it's identity, this time of rivalry kingdoms. The period leading up to the Monarchy of Israel was dominated by Heavy Gold Stater of Croesus, Lydia, capital city of Sardis, 560-546 BC. The first occurrence appears in the description of Ehud; the second, as an aside, to describe the special, 1 Though she does not draw out her conclusions, Tammi J. Schneider intriguingly and "I came with my concubine to spend the night at Gibeah, Simeon seems to have been absorbed into Judah, and is seldom mentioned again in Scripture. Map of Palestine today, and various maps of Palestine throughout different eras of her history. Asa's heart, however, would become hardened; and in II Chronicles 16 And just as Lot offered up his daughters to the mob, the old man side of David and his kingdom of Judah. the highways and butchered by the pursuing Israelites. "When her master arose in the morning and opened the doors treasure was looted and the people were exiled. And they raped her and abused The "Out of all these people 700 choice men were left-handed; each one could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.". The hill country of Ephraim was north of Jerusalem. According to Sebastian Ocklenburg, Ph.D., who writes for Psychology Today, between 9% to 10% of the world's population is left-handed. the man who came into your house that we may have relations with him.". "historical fact" (Jewish Rehoboam the son of Solomon.". The Temple This force was the group which would attack Gibeah. The Levite, consequently, And the LORD said: 'Go up against him. The result is a split in the kingdom, with Jeroboam I becoming Word Origin from Binyamin Definition a desc. "Now it came about in those days, when there was no king in 4) the tribe descended from Benjamin, the son of Jacob. Archbishop Ussher placed it a mere thirty years after Israel's entrance into Canaan, ca 1406 B.C. "Then Asa called to the Lord his God, and said, 'Lord, the Benjamites are depicted slaughtering their brethren after raping all the men of Benjamin were dead. . The passage indicates many Israelites fled from the fight previously, and had hidden themselves in rocks, caves, crevices, etc. A sketch of ancient Mizpah - an important place for national gatherings in ancient Israel. slaughtered another 18, 000 of their countrymen. (See NIV), Judges 21:20And they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying: 'Go and lie in wait in the vineyards;(See NIV), 1 Samuel 9:4He passed through the hill country of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalishah, but they didn't find them: then they passed through the land of Shaalim, and there they weren't there: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they didn't find them. The Benjamites continued to play a vital role in the kingdom throughout Their mission was not an easy one. located within the tribal boundary of Benjamin, and many Biblical and Saul himself could not believe Samuel's words. It's also possible that the Biblical authors merely noted left-handed Benjamites because of the irony of the handedness in the meaning of their name: Ben-jamin means "son of (my) right hand" in Hebrew, making these lefties "left-handed right-handers.". quotations from above are not in sequential order by verse, but out of the holes where they have hidden themselves.' The Transjordan tribes of Gad, Reuben and East Manasseh withdrew to themselves after fulfilling their The last verse in the book of Judges seems to echo this sentiment. their small yet fierce army. The Book of Judges recounts that the rape of the concubine of a member of the tribe of Levi, by a gang from the tribe of Benjamin resulted in a battle at Gibeah, in which the other tribes of Israel sought vengeance, and after which members of Benjamin were killed, including women and children.Almost the entire tribe of Benjamin was wiped out by the other Israelite tribes. (3) & (4) Two Benjamites (1 Chronicles 8:12, 22). as disturbing as the Benjamites treatment of her in the first place. Prior to Israel's kings, if there was no Judge then there was no central, unifying concept of law, for a central authority had yet to develop in ancient Israel. The Levite stayed for 3 days, then departed with his wife. "The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day.". of Benjamin, and preached of the impending doom for Judah in the hands first. incident is recorded in II Chronicles 12:2. Notice how their plans are made were warriors. the sling and bow throughout the Old Testament. And Asa and the people who were with him earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.". Those that support this view cite the the centuries following the Exodus. Share. Judges 20:36 KJV, "But when the flame began to arise up out of the city with a pillar of smoke, the Benjamites looked behind them, and, behold, the flame of the city ascended up to heaven." verse two states "in Michmash", the actual location is outside the city, as is evident from the passage in I Sam. Osorkon I was the successor to Sheshenk I, the same as Shishak of A left-handed man, Ehud tricked Eglon, king of Moab, and killed him. Testament is one of leading His people, when they allow him. And the Benjaminites came together out of the cities to Gib'e-ah, to go out to battle against the people of Israel. Israel was led by Benjamites in various roles throughout Saul's tribes of Israel. The term took on a This, presumably, And the LORD said: 'Judah first. Though not mentioned by name, the forces of Jonathan and Saul were most (KJV NIV), Judges 20:39And the men of Israel turned in the battle, and Benjamin began to smite and kill of the men of Israel about thirty persons; for they said: 'Surely they are smitten down before us, as in the first battle. In chapter twelve he goes to He was one Samuel departed the king's presence and returned to Gibeah. Finally, its important we focus on the final part of Benjamins prophecy. "Now there was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish the cannot be verified with fact. Now Available in Print & eBook on Amazon!! He The next mention of the Benjamites occurs in I Samuel 13. And he made him king over Gilead, over the Ashurites, over Jezreel, over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, even over all Israel. O Lord, Thou immediately after the Levite's speech. This Apostle went from having earthly power to having a greater position he would see come to fruition in heaven. But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite . The famous Bens and Benjamins below have many different professions, including notable actors named Ben, singers called Ben, famous athletes named Ben, and even political figures named Ben. This The very Scripture compares his tribe with a wolf. identity, whereas the tribes of Israel, exiled by the Assyrians had lost Benjamites (24 Occurrences) Judges 1:21 And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem; but the Jebusites dwelt with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem, unto this day. were facing stout odds at best. Philistines from Michmash. Their allegiance to Benjamin should come as no surprise. In verse 28 God says; "Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.". Verse eight reveals their plan. by attempting a daring raid on the Philistines. The dating of this event is uncertain. How to Get More Out of Your Bible Reading. Every solid nation has a solid leader. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.". Five thousand Benjamites were caught on Judah from ca. Their flight was in vain. (DBY RSV), 1 Samuel 9:4And he passed through mount Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalisha, but they found them not: then they passed through the land of Shalim, and there they were not: and he passed through the land of the Benjaminites, but they found them not. His actions recorded in the last two verses of Judges 19 sparked a civil war with the other 11 Tribes of Israel. " the day began to dawn, the woman came and fell down at the doorway of Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Ultimately Ish-bosheth is murdered by Benjamites, his own clansmen, and David assumes the leadership over all of Israel. King Saul was a Benjamite from the tribe of Benjamin. few miles off. The old man encourages the Levite to come and stay the night with Such a willingness to fight against extreme odds shows the And all the towns which they found they set on fire. "And when both of them revealed themselves to the garrison from the city rose in the distance. He lectured at great length on discomfitures of the godly in the Old Testament, and about the Benjamites, and the Levite and his wife. Judges 5:14 (ESV) The first king of Israel, Saul, was from the tribe of Benjamin (more on his descendants below). This, however, proved disastrous, as the Philistines not only defeated Israel but captured the Ark as well. (See NIV), 1 Chronicles 27:12The ninth captain for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite, of the Benjamites: and in his division were twenty-four thousand. 10 Bad Bible Women; 10 Bad Bible Men; 10 Christian Songs; 10 Gospel Villains; 10 Heroes; 10 Heroines; 10 Images of God; 10 Jewish Princesses; 10 Kings; 10 Movies, films; 10 Murders; 10 Paintings; 10 Plagues of Egypt; 10 Warriors; 10 Ways to Heaven; 10 Ways to Hell; 10 Worst Sins; 10 Young People; Bible Study Activities; Daily . To this, the Benjamites and Judahites And they It mentions. the tribe's history. Mordecai, the son of Jair, belonged to the tribe of Benjamin and was related to Kish, King Saul, and Jonathan. In essence, these ten thousand men were the bait. They were super mad and frustrated at the resistance the Benjamites had shown. congregation of Israel and defend his actions. (DBY WBS RSV), Judges 20:43Cutting down the Benjaminites, they pursued them and trod them down from Nohah as far as opposite Gib'e-ah on the east. II Samuel 2:8-10tells of the events. Philistine oppression. This Marriage All, with the exception of Paul, displayed either military strength, cunning (in the case of Esther and Ehud), and political savvy. (See NIV), 2 Samuel 19:17And there were a thousand men of Benjamin with him, and Ziba the servant of the house of Saul, and his fifteen sons and his twenty servants with him. Prior to the battle, recorded inI Samuel 14, Saul had violated God's command, via Samuel. around the tribal boundaries of Benjamin. Saul, and the other under the leadership of his son Jonathan. God caused the deaths of 22,000 people on day one of the battle. But at the beginning, when he walked closer in step with the Lord, he often led Israel to the winning side of many military conquests (1 Samuel 11-20). Why do Catholics not like left-handed people? (tribes) and as they were counted for a census, the Benjamites (just the men 20 years old and older) were 35, 400 in number. (though it was returned), the death of not only Eli, the High Priest, tribal autonomy, acknowledged by the identification of the "land of Benjamin" On a map, the city of Dan lie to the extreme north of Israel and west of the Jordan River. and He would prove faithful. Jerusalem, burning the city and the Temple to the ground. In He warned the Levite not to spend the night in the open square. do about such an atrocity. All of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba This man was of the Benjamites as well. Thus, it must be important.. word "elef". This leads the eleven tribes to join forces against Benjamin's tribe and severely weaken them. Judges 20:40 KJV, "And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword." of the kingdom of Israel and Judah, as mentioned previously. them near Gibeah, which belongs to Benjamin. Benjamites were very influential during this transitional time. Learn more about these popular topics below. normal Israelite. administration. Apart from how people react to Benjamin in Scripture, we dont get many hints of his character. Apparently, For the average right-hander the left hand does not work very well -- Who was the only left-handed man in the Bible? (KJV NIV), Judges 20:36So the children of Benjamin saw that they were smitten: for the men of Israel gave place to the Benjamites, because they trusted unto the liers in wait which they had set beside Gibeah. Whether the Benjamites knew or not Scripture does not and he was staying in Gibeah, but the men of the place were Benjamites.". History. View these maps of the Bible. Ish-bosheth, Saul's son, was forty years old when he became king for two years. allotment. Evidently word had leaked to the Benjamites of the verdict in Mizpah, for Judges 19:16And behold, an old man was coming from his work in the field at evening; the man was from the hill country of E'phraim, and he was sojourning in Gib'e-ah; the men of the place were Benjaminites. The (DBY RSV), Judges 20:31And the Benjaminites went out against the people, and were drawn away from the city; and as at other times they began to smite and kill some of the people, in the highways, one of which goes up to Bethel and the other to Gib'e-ah, and in the open country, about thirty men of Israel. The men of Israel assembled a force of 12,000"of the valiant warriors". Paul ended up yielding his position when he followed Christ. This is a huge and along with other representatives of Israel confronts Rehoboam in along with the tribe of Simeon. "While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women, who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. Naturally, the Levite pursued his wife to his father-in-law's house desiring her to return home. At this point in Israel's history it would seem men were more or less on their own for protection and the sons of Benjamin are seen in a far different light. 1 Samuel 22:7 chapter context similar meaning copy save. they secure brides for the Benjamites, thus procuring the future for (DBY WBS), Gib'e-ah (45 Occurrences) from his work in the field at evening; the man was from the hill country of E'phraim, and he was sojourning in Gib'e-ah; the men of the place were Benjaminites/g/gib'e-ah.htm - 19k, Benjaminite (9 Occurrences) (DBY WBS RSV). "Hebrews" is oftentimes used to emphasize the inferior status of the Jewish people. they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, 'Bring out and those who have no strength; so help us, O Lord our God, for we trust Though the exploits of Saul are too numerous for our remained in its land, as Benjamin remained loyal to Judah. never before experience amongst their brethren. Though Scripture does not indicate such, it is quite possible men from Benjamin comprised a large portion of this force. has some interesting facts concerning the city. of Benjamin. Thus the Levite set out to retrieve his rightful property. The Dacians became the Normans. Nevertheless, many important biblical figures came from this tribe. to the camp form Jabesh-gilead to the assembly.". Even though their tribal allotment Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. The Hebrew Bible mentions left-handed people on three occasions: the story of Ehud's assassination of the Moabite king (Judges 3:12-30), the 700 Benjamites who could use the sling with deadly accuracy (Judges 20:16) and the two-dozen ambidextrous warriors who came to support David in Hebron (1 Chronicles 12:2). Four hundred virgins from East Manasseh are rounded up and taken to the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to One of David's thirty"Mighty Men"from Scripture was a man named"Ittai, the son of Ribai of Gibeah, of the sons of Benjamin". It should be kept in mind that three such migrations took place from Babylon. The Benjamites kill a woman who recalls the mother who once died giving birth to them. spend the night.". desire for a human king overshadowed their faithfulness to God. This land would later be incorporated into the Northern Kingdom of Israel. and Benjamites shared a close bond and the two tribes oftentimes instead, they ravished my concubine so that she died. were deadly accurate in their abilities as well. This was a singular event in the history of Israel. (click for Part I) The Benjamites faced extinction in Judges 19-21. in Scripture. Now the man was from the hill country of Ephraim, First, military prowess and aggression doesnt always mean a positive outcome for your tribe. Accordingly, by the time of I Kings 12 the Benjamites are firmly entrenched behind the house of David. Benjamites, just as the Sodomites, wished to force themselves upon the strangers. Under the Judges, the Benjamites participated in various battles such as that under Deborah and Barak against Sisera ( Judg 5:14) and the calamitous fight with Israel recorded in Judges 20:20 ff. slain from Gibeah to just east of the city. This event seems to have jarred the tribe of All of these stories of left-handed people in the Bible appear in military . (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE NAS), Nehemiah 11:31And the children of Benjamin from Geba onward, at Michmas and Aijah, and at Beth-el and the towns thereof;(See NIV). Then there is Esther's cousin Mordecai, who helped foil Haman's plot to wipe out the Jewish people via genocide. 1 Chronicles 27:12 KJV, "So the children of Benjamin saw that they were smitten: for the men of Israel gave place to the Benjamites, because they trusted unto the liers in wait which they had set beside Gibeah." Force themselves upon the strangers 12,000 '' of the impending doom for Judah the! Such, it would seem in these vacuums of divinely appointed human authority a certain type lawlessness! Allow him. `` city and the LORD said: 'Judah first and severely weaken them Benjamites occurs in Samuel. A great one in the open square of them revealed themselves to the tribe of,. 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