You can think of these as quarterly OKR examples. It's ok to have value-based Key Results before the release of the product. OBJECTIVE: Build Strong Relationships with Forrester and Gartner, OBJECTIVE: Launch a New Customer Community, OBJECTIVE: Make our community known by industry experts and thought leaders. Design a draft and get approval from client Q2 FY 2017-18. OBJECTIVE: Launch the new monthly newsletter successfully. Less time spent on routine duties means more time spent on strategic initiatives. But when youresetting OKRs,its another story. Learn about some of the significant PMO OKR examples of and get ideas on building effective PMO OKRs. Bonus: See how Spekit uses ClickUp to track quarterly OKRs! And why is it important to implement? Good OKRs keep the team focused on the most important priorities and spark engaging conversations every week. OKRs create transparency and improve focus. 18%. About Us; . Why is it bad: there is no active verb and no what are we trying to achieve statement. So your Team Objectives should be connected to a bigger picture and focused exclusively on the things that could have the biggest impact right now, and everything else should wait. Control the difference of price paid and the price invoiced for every vendor not more than $5000 every month. OBJECTIVE - A big reduction in our CPA KEY RESULT 1 - Reduce out CPA from $210 to less than $150 KEY RESULT 2 - Generate 1,200 MQL for Sales to follow-up KR 1: Increase the market share from xx to yy%. Aspirational OKRs (moonshots) are ambitious and more challenging to accomplish, but they push us to think outside the box and innovate. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Or can the team come up with something totally new and achieve better results through innovation? Too often, we feel pressure from our individual and work goals, leaving us mentally and physically drained by days end. OKRs in general, should focus not on outputs but on outcomes; on impacts rather than tactics. Get OKR Examples in: . KR1 Hire 10 new employees for the Analytics team. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Moreover, project managers successfully use OKRs to improve their internal processes and create a habit of continuous . An objective answers the question: Whats the immediate problem, change, or desired outcome we want? research) . KR 2: Increase customer retention by xx%. What are we trying to impact with this campaign? The Compliance team is understaffed so they have no time to work on creating the answers for the database which is why we will step in, and organize the information they already have to provide easy access for the Business Development representatives. Free OKR RESOURCES. This is how we will know if the angle we chose and the pitch we present are the right ones to spark interest. Objective 2: Relaunch the company blog. Let's start with some of the OKR examples to help you quickly get started with the process. Wrapping Up. With real-world examples from our OKR experts. So the struggle is real, and the change for the better would be clearly noticeable. Setting OKRs may seem simple: you come up with an inspiring Objective, write measurable Key Results and start executing right away. Introduced and popularized in the 1970s at Intel, it has since spread throughout technology companies as a way to help employees understand and be engaged in an enterprise's charter. This is why they are always swamped with tons of documents to process. Weekdone provides sample OKRs for you to add directly into your account. Present research findings on interesting OKR themes to write about. If that doesnt help, we will keep looking for solutions to improve the quality of communication. A Facebook Product Manager's OKR could look like this: Objective: Improve the value that users are getting from Facebook Live. In other words, what needs to change specifically so that everyone would agree that the internal procedures are simplified and financial reporting is finally more transparent? In order to set the right goals and targets, businesses rely on Objectives and Key Results software, or OKR software as it is more popularly known. But writing OKRs is no biggie you just need to identify an objective, its key results and the initiatives youll take to achieve them. We've even included some related initiative examples to support your movement towards achieving each outcome. Find out more. 40%. Add OKR examples into Weekdone today! Write down your learnings from the previous quarter, and try to make predictions for the future: what will work and what wont (based on what worked before). It can be intimidating to implement a goal-setting system like OKRs. Our extensive list of OKR examples should help guide the way. A trick to help differentiate a key result and task is to remember: Now we know the distinction between an objective, key result, and task, lets dive into the writing tips! Reduce the number of unplanned change requests from 5 to 0. Decent Objective: Improve our digital presence to attract younger audiences. Reduce breakdowns in the peak hours by 90%. Click on the Goal name within a ClickUp task to jump to the Goals page. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Sorry, there were no results found for . We think that our potential clients are not likely to make decisions while reading our blog. Your hypothesis is that by growing good reviews and active commenting, you can make your voice heard and showcase your expertise to potential new clients. CS agents say that they are reopening tickets several times after the issues were declared solved, and the Development team insists that the tasks are not properly explained and each reopening is an additional sub-task or more information from the customer that wasnt originally shared. So how can quarterly OKRs help a marketing team keep their sanity and stay focused? So this is how your final marketing OKR would look like: Looking for more Marketing OKR examples? Each key result is time-bound, specific, and includes a number, The teams should design and write the key resultsnot senior leadership. Double revenue and profitability by 2023. These 20 examples should spark your growth team's interest in working with the OKR methodology. KR2 95% completion rate of "closed tickets" by team members within 30 days of hire. Let's look at another example of OKRs. OKR Examples for Training #5. Company OKR Example #1: Finish raising capital for growth needs In order to scale up their sales, marketing, and customer success teams, Company X needs to raise some additional capital. Key result two: Close an upsell or recurring deal with 10% of the existing customer base. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Plus, you will understand your clients decision-making process much better. 55% rise in gross profit margin from 48%. Moreover, Objectives and Key Results are a great reflection mechanism to understand . OKR is an acronym for objectives and key results. Waitarent key results the same as tasks? However, they might not directly contribute to your company's sales goals. With these two questions, the team should approach writing the Key Results for their Objective. Marketers work under a lot of pressure. A3: We should organize a payment confirmation process that requires no more than 3 parties involved. Key Results are quantitative, specific, and should drive focused execution. Which makes them better prepared to draft their Objectives and Key Results but also unexpectedly confused about the value of the OKR methodology. OKRs are built on big-picture goals and targets that are designed to push employees and companies forward, so they should toe the line of "almost impossible." . 60% of guests enrolled in real-time texting service to enhance online ordering experience. An OKR is a popular management strategy that defines objectives and tracks results. Objective:. OKR example 5 -. Lets now contrast and compare some good and bad examples of Team Objectives to learn how to write good ones: Why is it bad: its a project, a deliverable, and its purpose is not clear. OKR Examples for Employee Engagement #2. However, you have to back it with measurable results. Try in Mooncamp. Organize a weekly forecast meeting with all project managers as a key result. We've assembled 20 road-tested OKRs that can inspire you as you implement an OKR framework within your business. This is also an opportunity for employees to learn about big and small wins from different departments too. OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal-setting framework that helps a business define individual and company goals while devising a way to measure them. Key results (KRs) are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Administrative OKRs assist leaders determine if they are focusing on routine duties or adding value to the company. OKR Examples by Job Position Good OKRs keep the team focused on the most important priorities and spark engaging conversations every week. A key result answers the question: How will we know if we met our objective? Those two methods serve a different purpose but there is a clear connection between performance metrics (KPIs) and improvement goals (OKRs). Read on to find out more about OKRs and take a look at some of the . If you plan to stay ahead of the competition, your team must have the most straightforward direction, resources, and metrics. . kr3 Spend 95% of grant dollars for grants from prior fiscal years. Key result (KR) Example: It quantifies the OKR's objective and breaks it into specific metrics that can be used to measure the achievement of the Objectives. KR2: Maintain and exceed average weekly interactions (comments, shares) of 50. Technically, improving cross-functional collaboration is a responsibility of each team but, without intervention, things are not going to improve. OKR Example: User research | OKR Framework Improve user research procedures Objective Key Results Increase user interview cadence to reach 5 monthly interviews How to achieve this OKR Most people who try OKRs fail. The benefits of the framework include a better focus on results that matter, increased transparency, and better (strategic) alignment. Here, the top management and everyone else relate their objectives andkey resultstogetherto make a cohesive plan. Another area of improvement could be collaboration between the CS (customer success) team and the Development one. Browse more: team-specific OKR examples in our database, or see an instruction with more examples on how teams write their OKRs. Or add OKRs to Weekdone and start tracking! Collecting feedback from lost deals will help us find new improvement areas and possible solutions. Content Marketing OKR examples. People dont seem to know how to work together effectively and they tend to avoid team meetings and dont ever take a proactive approach to solve problems. Objective 1: Become the choice of the customer in the MENA region. OBJECTIVE: Grow our corporate global business, OBJECTIVE: Build a great corporate culture (delight our employees), OBJECTIVE: Launch the new product successfully in Q1, OBJECTIVE: Generate more Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), OBJECTIVE: Optimize our customer acquisition, OBJECTIVE: Implement Account Based Marketing (ABM), OBJECTIVE: Improve Our Website and Grow Conversions. We have many email templates that we use to communicate with potential customers. Break down the 5 steps for writing good OKRs in a Marketing team. A project management tool encourages teams to own their progress to achieve the shared objectives. OKR examples. Target stability of 99.5% in the first 4 weeks after implementation. ), Youve most likely seen this OKR formula: . The reason is a non-descriptive expense name in the invoices. OKRI is internationally recognized as leading in OKR Education, Research, Certification, Coaching & Training. Create helpful and informative blog articles, Optimize every blog posts SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Implement company-wide creative requests process, Create a Creative Learning Wiki as a single source of truth for all creative team members, Enhance the capabilities and training of the Customer Sucess team members, Assist our customers as an inside voice to guarantee that their input drives company outcomes, Provide the team with the support needed to succeed and achieve company-wide goals, Create a set standard for training to promote career development and growth, Efficient monitoring of Support consistency with performance measures, Maximize the efficiency of the support team to respond to customers with urgency and optimism 24/7/365, Reduce the number of Customer-Reported bug tasks after major launches, Implement Agile management across the engineering team, Improve the response rate for critical bugs in testing, Host a successful in-person industry conference in [year], Grow and align the entire organization through monthly company meetings. These cookies do not store any personal information. Often they need to check if the contractor is already in the system, and reach out to the team managers to ask what kind of service the third party has provided. Not sure which OKR software to pick? Finance teams often struggle to implement OKRs due to a lot of business-as-usual responsibilities. Marketing OKR examples 9. The goal of this objective is to get better testing results. 15% sales increase from 10% in the European market. A3: According to feedback from team managers, the payment request application is too complicated, as there are too many people who need to confirm the application before it comes to the finance department. No one wants to spend time on projects that shouldnt have been started in the first place. Design beta version of product by Q3 FY 2017-18. Objective: Build a powerful business strategy to increase growth . Leaders of various departments, teams and roles can use our examples as a springboard into a team OKR brainstorming session. A2: Also, it takes a very long time for us to determine a type of expense to enter it correctly into the ERP system. This might be, actually, too long of a sentence, and you might want to put some parts of this information in the comment section under the Objective. Even if you are confident in the solution, dont assume that its the best one. Key . OBJECTIVE: Create a community for our partners/resellers (MQLs). Besides setting the OKR, the sales team should also think about the main things they can do to achieve the results above. Here are some examples of what OKR examples for information technology you could set. If you are not tracking your data, you need to fix that first. Objective 1: Attract new visitors with the weekly newsletter. OBJECTIVE: sell $200k in bookings Key results: Win 500 deals worth $10 to 15k each; Conduct 10 demos, with $2k bookings each; Qualify 100 leads, with $500 bookings; OBJECTIVE: grow our business Key results: Grow revenue to $10m; Increase customer satisfaction . Look at your data, and understand which metrics are performing well and which ones might need attention. With the Key Results set, the finance team can now brainstorm possible Initiatives that will move the needle on the OKRs: When the team OKR is agreed upon, drafted, and aligned with the company Objective, here is what finance OKR example looks like: Add this finance OKR example directly into your Weekdone account. Online Marketing OKR examples Problem Statement: The Digital Marketing Team have been told by their Head of Marketing that they need to improve online sales and lead generation. KEY RESULT: Maintain a sales pipeline of qualified leads valued at least $500K quarterly. But first, let's start with a quick guide to using OKR examples. Finish bug fixing on the new software feature. OKR Examples for Compensation and Benefits kr1 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5%. Key Result 1. But how do you reasonably measure the trust level among employees? What are you trying to fix? Increase data security. But after the release, it's best to focus on the most critical metrics of your product. To make this goal measurable, your key results could be to: KR1: Increase CTR from 5% to 8%. It means we are doing something wrong in the early stages. Survey backend, frontend and data devs to develop 5 new metrics. So, in the team discussion, it became obvious that team managers are struggling when submitting payment requests to the financial department, and its not clear to them how invoices and receipts should be handled. Company OKR OBJECTIVE: Delight our company customers Key Results: Achieve an NPS of 9 (out of 10) from our customers Increase customer retention to 98% Take 2 new products to market 2. Try the OKR writing assistant to test the quality of your Objectives and Key Results. 1. Key result 2: Conduct monthly pulse surveys to gauge employee sentiment. ClickUp takes goal-setting management a step further with a dedicated Goals in ClickUp featurehigh-level containers that break down yourobjectivesinto small,measurableTargets. Break down the 5 steps for writing good OKRs in a HR team. OKR examples: Company, sales, marketing, HR, and product OKRs Jenny Coppola / September 7th, 2022 Looking for a treasure trove of OKR examples? OBJECTIVE: Launch the new product successfully. This way we can get to know the customer better and vice versa. Key Result #2: Invest an additional $500 million in research and development. OKR Examples for Recruitment #4. In this section, we have gathered 100's of real-world OKR examples. The first step towards writing good HR OKRs could be either a company-wide survey or internal HR team discussion. Key Result 2. We need to work on having better email communication that engages customers. KR3 Achieve 90% and above scores on . What are the right objectives to focus on? With this Objective, you will explore the websites and forums where decision-makers are asking questions and discussing the pros and cons of different tools/services. Product Management OKR examples 4. Here are some HR OKR examples to get you started: Objective 1: Improve employee retention rates by 50% by the end of Q4. OKR Foundation; Better relationship means more communication. What do we need to fix or improve? So the first Key Result must indicate the change in categorizing expenses as a part of the new payment request procedure: KR1: >80% of invoices are categorized by expense type before they come to the finance department. 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