var checkOutDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; alert("Your date range must be less than 100. $('#chk_in').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','padding':'0','height':'0px'}); $('#sel_chk_out_day').val(out_dd); $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(in_dd); document.getElementById('addressTable').style.display = 'block'; if(document.getElementById('state') && (document.getElementById('state').style.visibility=="hidden")){ // BEGIN Sync Input field with select boxes }); window.errortxt2 = ''; Two breathtaking barns with a backdrop of woodland and overlooks a pond. Note: Add up to 7 miles to distances shown for hotels in North Liberty. var mm=params[0]; The dog space outside the hotel was OK. "The hotel room was clean and reasonably priced. 'top' : '290' The entire hotel staff was friendly and helpful. opacity: 0.6; The staff let us check in early. if(+in_d >= +out_d){ var checkOutDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; var params=(thebDate2).asString().split('/'); } } ); document.getElementById('h1line').innerHTML = 'Find Hotels'; thebDate2.setHours(thebDate.getHours() + 24); $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); //document.getElementById('searcht').value=unescape(searcht); Good area if you have a pet. "}}M.dataType="json"}if(M.dataType=="json"&&(||M.url.match(F))){W="jsonp"+r++;if({"").replace(F,"="+W+"$1")}M.url=M.url.replace(F,"="+W+"$1");M.dataType="script";l[W]=function(X){V=X;I();L();l[W]=g;try{delete l[W]}catch(Y){}if(H){H.removeChild(T)}}}if(M.dataType=="script"&&M.cache==null){M.cache=false}if(M.cache===false&&G=="GET"){var E=e();var U=M.url.replace(/(\?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/,"$1_="+E+"$2");M.url=U+((U==M.url)?(M.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"?")+"_="+E:"")}if("GET"){M.url+=(M.url.match(/\?/)?"&":"? The room was comfortable, and the hotel staff was friendly. The pet fee was higher than we expected. The room had a quality mirror in the bathroom, and I liked the toiletry dispensers. var ccty=params[2].substring(params[2].indexOf('=')+1); $('#selChkOut').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px','width':'initial'}); console.log(+out_d); // #ui-datepicker-div{font:75.5% "Trebuchet MS",sans-serif} if(document.getElementById('destfield')) a#dp-close{font-size:11px;padding:4px 0;text-align:center;display:block} $('#chk_out').val(new_out_day.asString()); } var todate=new Date();todate.setDate(todate.getDate()+6); }. The cost was high as well. _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category , action]); There was food in the fridge, and it was dirty around the toilet. The bathroom fan didn't work well, though. window.haserrors = false; Date.format = 'mm/dd/yyyy'; //document.getElementById('destfield2').value=unescape(ccty); //TA popup } table.jCalendar td.other-month{background:#f3f9fc;color:#bad6e7} return false; var allcountries = ''; var dd=params[1]; var xxxxxxxmonth = currentTime2.getMonth() + 1 "); 2910 S Main Street , Cedar Falls , Iowa 50613 , United States. }else{ Source: console.log('(#nrooms).focus'); Hotels Near Celebration Farm - Get Current Rates & Check Availability Arrival Date Departure Date Adults Children Search Radius Get Rates JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 $('#dp-popup').hide(); */ document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#333333"; if (toTimestamp(document.getElementById("chk_out2").value) <= toTimestamp(document.getElementById("chk_in2").value)){ window.submitFormMini = function(){ var outday = new Date(document.getElementById("chk_out2").value); Needed more electrical outlets in the room. . document.getElementById("chk_out2").value = ''; The room didn't seem clean, and the carpet and towels were stained. We cultivate 14+ acres with a wide array of vegetables, perennials, herbs, cover crops and sometimes fruit; we specialize in several heirloom hard-neck garlic varieties. return false; padding: 5px; !ah;if(ag&&ah!=null){if(ae){T=true}else{aa[X]=false}}else{if(ae){ai.push(af);T=true}}}}}if(ah!==g){if(!ag){aa=ai}ad=ad.replace(I.match[ab],"");if(!T){return[]}break}}}if(ad==V){if(T==null){throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+ad}else{break}}V=ad}return aa};var I=F.selectors={order:["ID","NAME","TAG"],match:{ID:/#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,CLASS:/\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)/,NAME:/\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,ATTR:/\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,TAG:/^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*_-]|\\.)+)/,CHILD:/:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,POS:/:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,PSEUDO:/:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF_-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((? //TODO add today's date console.log(+in_d > +out_d); No reservation costs. View 564 reviews. else Cancel. Find more hotels in a city close to Iowa Events Center. Great front desk clerks, but parking was terrible and there was no hot breakfast. $('#selChkIn').css({'opacity':'100','z-index':'2','height':'34px','width':'180px' }); ,TL;01573-CID,RD;2456-CID,HY;IOWRC-CID,HX;4252-CID,YZ;2571-CID,QI;IA025-CID,UP;IOWCH-CID,UP;IOWHV-CID,GP;CIDGI-CID,OZ;03415-CID,EL;CIDEL-CID,HY;IOWZI-CID,GI;IOWDO-CID,UR;54161-DSM,CY;CIDCI-CID,MZ;IA152-CID,AA;07407-DSM,CX;7187-CID,CZ;IA113-CID,XV;CIDSH-CID,HI;3939-CID,RC;CIDVL-CID,HT;IOWHT-CID,FN;CIDCO-CID,BW;16113-DSM,SZ;IA131-CID,DI;46789-CID,SZ;IA111-CID,PH;CIDHK-CID,VA;3744-CID. var xxxxxxxyear = currentTime2.getFullYear() "swing":"linear")](this.state,J,0,1,this.options.duration);*this.pos);this.update()}return true}};o.extend(o.fx,{speeds:{slow:600,fast:200,_default:400},step:{opacity:function(E){o.attr(,"opacity",},_default:function(E){if([E.prop]!=null){[E.prop]}else{E.elem[E.prop]}}}});if(document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect){o.fn.offset=function(){if(!this[0]){return{top:0,left:0}}if(this[0]===this[0].ownerDocument.body){return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0])}var G=this[0].getBoundingClientRect(),J=this[0].ownerDocument,F=J.body,E=J.documentElement,L=E.clientTop||F.clientTop||0,K=E.clientLeft||F.clientLeft||0,||o.boxModel&&E.scrollTop||F.scrollTop)-L,H=G.left+(self.pageXOffset||o.boxModel&&E.scrollLeft||F.scrollLeft)-K;return{top:I,left:H}}}else{o.fn.offset=function(){if(!this[0]){return{top:0,left:0}}if(this[0]===this[0].ownerDocument.body){return o.offset.bodyOffset(this[0])}o.offset.initialized||o.offset.initialize();var J=this[0],G=J.offsetParent,F=J,O=J.ownerDocument,M,H=O.documentElement,K=O.body,L=O.defaultView,E=L.getComputedStyle(J,null),N=J.offsetTop,I=J.offsetLeft;while((J=J.parentNode)&&J!==K&&J!==H){M=L.getComputedStyle(J,null);N-=J.scrollTop,I-=J.scrollLeft;if(J===G){N+=J.offsetTop,I+=J.offsetLeft;if(o.offset.doesNotAddBorder&&! $('#selChkOut').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px','width':'initial' }); This is my favorite hotel in Iowa City; I've been staying here for 7 years, and the service is always excellent. Find more hotels in a city close to Iowa Events Center. 1 Bedroom 2 room Suite. document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#333333"; Map of Hotels, Motels, Lodging, and Accommodations in or near The Celebration Farm Iowa, About Us | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Security | Contact Us, var pastDate=(now>checkDate); function setUpAjax(phgid){ $('#sel_chk_out_year').val(out_yy); $('#chk_in').bind('dpClosed',function(){ We allow you to bring in your own food and beverages, and will have a staff member on site through out your event. Add a Review; var todayPlus360 = curr_month + "/" + curr_day + "/" + curr_year; $('#sel_chk_out_month').focus(function(){ . console.log(popupTop); Use Search above to see rates for your dates. $(function(){ ]+)/)||[0,"0"])[1],safari:/webkit/.test(C),opera:/opera/.test(C),msie:/msie/.test(C)&&!/opera/.test(C),mozilla:/mozilla/.test(C)&&!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(C)};o.each({parent:function(E){return E.parentNode},parents:function(E){return o.dir(E,"parentNode")},next:function(E){return o.nth(E,2,"nextSibling")},prev:function(E){return o.nth(E,2,"previousSibling")},nextAll:function(E){return o.dir(E,"nextSibling")},prevAll:function(E){return o.dir(E,"previousSibling")},siblings:function(E){return o.sibling(E.parentNode.firstChild,E)},children:function(E){return o.sibling(E.firstChild)},contents:function(E){return o.nodeName(E,"iframe")?E.contentDocument||E.contentWindow.document:o.makeArray(E.childNodes)}},function(E,F){o.fn[E]=function(G){var,F);if(G&&typeof G=="string"){H=o.multiFilter(G,H)}return this.pushStack(o.unique(H),E,G)}});o.each({appendTo:"append",prependTo:"prepend",insertBefore:"before",insertAfter:"after",replaceAll:"replaceWith"},function(E,F){o.fn[E]=function(G){var J=[],L=o(G);for(var K=0,H=L.length;K0?this.clone(true):this).get();o.fn[F].apply(o(L[K]),I);J=J.concat(I)}return this.pushStack(J,E,G)}});o.each({removeAttr:function(E){o.attr(this,E,"");if(this.nodeType==1){this.removeAttribute(E)}},addClass:function(E){o.className.add(this,E)},removeClass:function(E){o.className.remove(this,E)},toggleClass:function(F,E){if(typeof E!=="boolean"){E=!o.className.has(this,F)}o.className[E? critUpdate(); function get_cookie(cookie_name){var results=document.cookie.match('(^|;) ? } Don't stay here. .demoHeaders{margin-top:2em} //BEGIN SCRIPTS document.getElementById('cityarea').innerHTML = "City or Place"; document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; if(document.getElementById("chk_out").value){ if( (indateArray2.length = 3) && (outdateArray2.length = 3)){ } console.log('(#chk_in,#chk_out).click ..'); { function convertToDateTime(dateStr){ } var yy=params[2]; if(!window.alreadywent1){ "Convenient to the university and reasonably priced. Refined. background: white none repeat scroll 0 0; return false; } var out_yy = outDateArr[2]; ")>=0){I.type=G=G.slice(0,-1);I.exclusive=true}if(!H){I.stopPropagation();if([G]){o.each(o.cache,function(){if([G]){o.event.trigger(I,K,this.handle.elem)}})}}if(!H||H.nodeType==3||H.nodeType==8){return g}I.result=g;;K=o.makeArray(K);K.unshift(I)}I.currentTarget=H;var,"handle");if(J){J.apply(H,K)}if((!H[G]||(o.nodeName(H,"a")&&G=="click"))&&H["on"+G]&&H["on"+G].apply(H,K)===false){I.result=false}if(!E&&H[G]&&!I.isDefaultPrevented()&&! var out_dd = outDateArr[1]; var x=get_cookie('hgBookInfo'); Book online, pay at the hotel. (1,337 reviews) "Staff was wonderful, breakfast was wonderful, the beds were a little stiff but we'd stay again." Guests 4811 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, IA 52246-9401 Read Reviews of Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Property types Motels Hotels B&Bs & Inns +45 Campgrounds +11 Show more View Vacation Rentals Popular & up 64 Breakfast included85 4 stars 3 Hotels Amenities Free Wifi 105 Breakfast included85 Pool 71 Free parking 103 Show all Distance from 25+ mi {top:0,left:0}:G.offset();,"marginTop");J.left-=j(this,"marginLeft");,"borderTopWidth");E.left+=j(G,"borderLeftWidth");F={,left:J.left-E.left}}return F},offsetParent:function(){var E=this[0].offsetParent||document.body;while(E&&(!/^body|html$/i.test(E.tagName)&&o.css(E,"position")=="static")){E=E.offsetParent}return o(E)}});o.each(["Left","Top"],function(F,E){var G="scroll"+E;o.fn[G]=function(H){if(!this[0]){return null}return H!==g?this.each(function(){this==l||this==document?l.scrollTo(!F?H:o(l).scrollLeft(),F?H:o(l).scrollTop()):this[G]=H}):this[0]==l||this[0]==document?self[F? if( (indateArray.length = 3) && (outdateArray.length = 3)){ document.getElementById('namefield').style.display = 'block'; return false; var oudatestringMiniMini = document.getElementById('chk_in2').value; No elevator. table.jCalendar{background:#ffe986;color:#111} // END fix calendar positioning However, the housekeepers knocked on the door 3 times despite being told of my checkout time. var selInDay = $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(); ["Left","Right"]:["Top","Bottom"];function I(){L=F=="width"?H.offsetWidth:H.offsetHeight;if(E==="border"){return}o.each(K,function(){if(!E){L-=parseFloat(o.curCSS(H,"padding"+this,true))||0}if(E==="margin"){L+=parseFloat(o.curCSS(H,"margin"+this,true))||0}else{L-=parseFloat(o.curCSS(H,"border"+this+"Width",true))||0}})}if(H.offsetWidth!==0){I()}else{o.swap(H,G,I)}return Math.max(0,Math.round(L))}return o.curCSS(H,F,J)},curCSS:function(I,F,G){var L,;if(F=="opacity"&&!{L=o.attr(E,"opacity");return L==""? 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Events In Berks County Today, Totier Creek Farm Midway, Ky,