Yep..Comments are the fnp's property.Keeping them in business, one post at a time. Nearly half (46%) of all college graduates are regular voters, compared to 28% of adults who are high school graduates or have less education. A discharge petition is a House procedure that essentially forces a bill out of committee and to a vote. Amber Heard, Kevin Costner star in '3 Days to Kill' check out the trailer. "Why do you have to wreck this company?" A registration gap also exists between liberals and conservatives, with 29% of self-described liberals saying they are not registered to vote compared with 20% of moderates and 17% of conservatives. 1). Utilitarianism requires that we contribute to increasing the overall welfare of society. Well I've been living in Frederick for 16 years now and from Maryland to California and a few other states where I have worked I have seen a lot of political shenanigans, but the last board of commissioners was the worst bunch of political hacks lining the pockets of developers I have ever seen. "[With] the constant barrage of indignities coming from the White House," she said, "I don't think you can talk about resurrection and second chances without addressing some of those things.". No vulgar, racist, sexist or I may not agree with all his positions, but intelligence is always appreciated. Here are 3 reasons. Why does Bud think he can't vote? 3035 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, MD 21710, 6921 URNER AVE, BRADDOCK HEIGHTS, MD 21714. A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15% of eligible voters were turning out to vote for Mayors, Council Members, and other local offices. ", On that, Kwon agrees. One-in-seven (14%) say they dont care about politics, while about as many express little confidence in the government. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, their homes, and so much more. According to the survey, 40% of intermittent voters say that in general most people can be trusted, compared with 52% of all regular voters. And finally, you have also ignored the facts that while we have some very good Democrat candidates, most Democrats think Bud is doing a good job and will vote for him, which will more than offset any potential Republican losses. "They've issued Christian score cards, and they've said implicitly or explicitly that if someone is a faithful Christian, they're going to believe certain things on a whole range of public policy issues. 3) supports that theory. We have a moral duty to vote. Bud is voted People magazines Sexiest Man of the Year. Molly slyly rips on Bud for going to strip clubs. His goal: to reach the man he, on the flimsiest of evidence, believes to be his father, jazz musician Herman E. Calloway. Buttigieg says protecting the poor and welcoming immigrants is a Christian obligation that is inconsistent with Republican priorities. This membership plan includes member-only benefits like our popular ticket giveaways, all of our email newsletters and access to the daily digital replica of the printed paper. While the bus is approaching, you hand him a check and say, Take this money to pay your bills, but Im not going to help you get onto the bus.. The scene shifts to Bud visiting Roger Barnes, who's called him in for a meeting about the fact that the SEC has approached Roger looking to see his records. Part 5: The Final Showdown Summary and Analysis, Part 3: Ascending the Ladder Summary and Analysis. Voting only takes a couple of minutes but the ripple effect caused by your vote will last beyond a candidates term. The 2022 midterm elections are fast approaching. Today, most American citizens over the age of 18 are entitled to vote in federal and state elections, but voting was not always a right for all Americans. Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. Altruism's role in voting is being further examined by James Fowler, PhD, a University of California, San Diego, political scientist who studies voting through the lens of the "dictator game." We are instrumentally rational when we choose a means that will further an end reasonably well. Thanks for paying attention and putting things in perspective FNP. "I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ does inform politics," he says. The FNP again is ignoring some very logical facts. "America is a great country, and we're great because people from so many different backgrounds can and do participate," he notes. The quality of government significantly affects every person in society. If he at least was exposed to a range of policy issues by the two candidates, his trajectory from slacker to model citizen might have made sense. Some may not know how important voting is, while others cannot vote. He wanted to explain to Mr. Calloway why he is his son. "We should return to the time in history where there was no affiliation with anything other than the principles of making this country great.". In any case, it looks like Otis intends to be his own man. Gekko makes a speech about the dire crisis of the American economy, saying that the deficit is at "nightmare proportions." for 30 days, $14.99 resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Political comedy uses wild premise to serve up a civics lessons without much substance. Among those between the ages of 30 and 49, more than a third (35%) reliably go to the polls a fact that is consistent with previous research that found voting is a habit acquired with age. WebAnswer (1 of 51): If you agreed to authorize someone to make decisions for you and to abide by those decisions, you agreed to have a ruler, not a representative. Too many quotables to list. More people than ever are feeling alienated from the civic process, which has become a tribal clique of fanaticism, and created a cynicism about government small and large that really doesnt match the reality in any meaningful sense anymore. Roger invites him in to the meeting and Bud follows him into a boardroom, where a lawyer is railing against Gekko's shady business, and the fact that Gekko plans to sell all of Bluestar's assets. No trolling. Thank you for reading! The second group received the same message, but they were also told that voting records were public records, and that their turnout was being studied. Choose the language you would like to browser our website in. He's got your prick in his back pocket, but you're too blind to see it," Carl says, getting in the elevator. Likewise, our vote may add, however modestly, to the margin of victory of our preferred candidate. This article was published more than6 years ago. Social issues affect everyone in one way or another. (The "Washington being led on an ass" cartoon from 1789; the ideological fight over the Bank of the United States in Washington's first term; the D-Rs referring to the proto-Federalists as "monocrats" (not a term of endearment)). I'm growing weary of the FNP's schizophrenia on this and a wide variety of topics. Rita Simon Gordon. Research by Richard Jankowski, PhD, chair of the political science department at State University of New York, Fredonia, supports the role of altruism in voting. When the election comes down to one vote, the council agrees to let this man, Bud, recast his vote. (Why are they called 'Whips" anyway? The Frederick News-Post is printed by FNP Printing and Publishing. Explain why Bud says that "ideas are like seeds." Good Ed. Given that voting is an activity with more costs than benefits for the individual, Meglino thinks that highly rationally self-interested people probably don't bother to vote. It doesnt require that our acts have a significant impact on their own or in our own individual lives. Webanswer choices. Democratic challenger Donald Greenleaf (Dennis Hopper) goes for a more down-home approach, setting up a shindig where Bud can jam with his band performing covers of Willie Nelson hits. About half share some of the money and nearly a quarter split it evenly with the unknown player, Fowler says. But the survey also finds little gender difference in voting behavior: 36% of men and 34% of women are regular voters. As a Republican, one whos prepared to commit fundamental GOP heresy and vote with Democrats, Otis will face a backlash from a conservative bloc who helped put him in office. More than four-in-ten of those ages 50 and older (42%) are regular voters, about double the proportion of 18-29 year-olds (22%). Meanwhile, there may be a genetic component to all of this: Following social rules and acting for others' welfare despite personal costs may be passed down genetically, according to new research by Fowler and Laura Baker, PhD, a psychologist studying the genetic and environmental foundations of behavior at the University of Southern California. This year, a Democratic presidential candidate, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., is making the same argument, with a twist: A vote based on Christian values, Do you agree with the way Mr. and Mrs. Amos dealt with Bud? Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series.For more information, please & Duplicitous, lying, back-stabbing chap. Looking at the other end of the participation scale tells the same story, but even more dramatically. If we care about civic duty, there are many ways to be a good citizen other than voting. County government has, so far, been restoring our trust in due process, and while we and they may have our occasional differences, the County Council and County Executive Jan Gardner has in the main been showing a measured, thoughtful and above all conservative approach to governing for which they should be commended. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. Of course, they come to see the error of their ways. The next day, on a private plane, Bud talks to Gekko about the benefits of buying Bluestar Airlines and trying to refurbish the company. (Already a member? While the disgruntlement of some Republicans with Council President Bud Otis is understandable sort of we say, hell yes! 68, No. Charlie Neibergall/AP Voting is anything but solitary. (4 points) The president often takes an opposing view from that of Congress when. And lest we believe theres only a small subset of conservatives who are upset at him, as Democrat Jim Racheff noted in reporter Jen Fifields story on Otis vote, lets remember that Shreve and Delauter were re-elected despite their many negatives. Apparently misleading Pastor Amy Butler used her Easter Sunday sermon to lament U.S. immigration policy, misogyny, police violence and environmental neglect. (04.02 MC) Which of the following is a key belief of a supply-side approach to economic and fiscal policy? Other factors distinguish the non-voter. The Republican Party is more often associated with the religious right than Democrats are with an analogous movement on the left. They also are more likely to be relatively recent arrivals in their current neighborhoods more than one-in-five (23%) say they have lived in their neighborhood less than a year. Habitual voters are much more likely to have lived at the same address over several elections and possess a "stable context" for voting. They also are less likely to agree with the statement: I feel guilty when I dont get a chance to vote.. ", You Betcha Mr. Otis. (4 points) The federal government is responsible for raising taxes on businesses to, 5. American manufacturing jobs were, Choose a reason why the federal government increased efforts to address violent crime and drug use in the 1980s and 1990s. These activities are burdensome; as individuals, we dont necessarily gain from them. Some have argued that thats not so. In an iconic cinematic turn of phrase, Gekko insists that "greed is good." What makes you say that? And speaking of shamelessness: The high civic tone of "Swing Vote" is belied by its vast array of product placements. Whites continue to be disproportionally represented in the voting booth: 37% of whites are regular voters, compared with 29% of non-whites, including 31% of blacks and 24% of all Hispanics. Buttigieg's suggestion that liberals be willing to say that "Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction," as he told USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers, provoked some outrage on the right. Others say voting may be a form of egocentrism, noting that some Americans appear to believe that because they are voting, people similar to them who favor the same candidate or party will probably vote, too, a psychological mechanism called the "voter's illusion.". About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. 19, No. A plethora of media is involved in the whole voting process, with huge amounts of photographers and reporters hanging around Bud and Molly's house. In theory, if people are solely motivated by self-interest, they will keep all the money. With our four-day Wednesday-through-Saturday home delivery package, you get home delivery of our popular Food and 72 Hours sections as well as the full Saturday-Sunday weekend paper. Our short-term pass is the digital equivalent of buying a couple of papers at the corner store. In a 2002 election, for example, he saw an ex-felon who repeatedly tried to vote. 3. This was one of those editorials that was well researched and well written. ", "I think there is a problem when we try too quickly to say that our view of this or that matter of public policy is the only legitimate Christian view," Kwon says. Checking back? Copyright 2000-2022 IGNACIO GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Columbus, Ohio Last modified May, 2021 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517, Welcome to Iggy Garcia, The Naked Shaman Podcast, where amazing things happen. ", Butler believes it is appropriate to tie a message of Christ's resurrection to what people encounter each day in the news. Next, you have to realize at least some of the Republicans are waking up as to what Billy and Kirby are doing and to a lesser extent, Tony. Our local business directory includes detailed information for featured businesses as well as customer reviews and direct links to related events. To suggest that electing someone to that position, somehow magically transforms that person into a representative, is simply absurd. I like Bud's; "I don't give a rip. Use the 'Report' link for abusive Cannot be a ditto head without the ditto.[wink]. "If we do this deal, everybody gains," Gekko tells Carl, but Carl maintains that the owners of Bluestar built it up from one plane and are more invested in the wellbeing of the company than Gekko ever could be. How very astute! Upload your study docs or become a Course Hero member to access this document Continue to access Term Winter Professor NoProfessor Tags Democracy, President of the United States Report Students also studied Swing Vote This website uses cookies to But in the world of "Swing Vote," it's enough that you vote why or for whom is secondary. When he screws up on election day, she steps in for him. Intermittent voters are somewhat less well educated and less affluent than are regular voters. Neither does it require that the impact of our action is always the greatest it could be. "They've crossed the line time and time again," Wehner told NPR. Shrelauter doesn't know how to think for themselves without BY, maybe that is why Shreve abstains. Why do you think Bud begins to cry and cannot stop? While Presidential or other national elections draw significant attention, midterm and local elections typically see less voter turnout. Mr. Otis does not need to change party affiliation. There's only a few who don't like that you are using your brain, unlike the prior BoCC. They are the intermittent voters: Americans who are registered to vote but do not always make it to the polls. Bud tells him to relax and assures him that the SEC never comes up with anything, that they're invulnerable. It is for profit. Both presidential candidates change their whole campaign to focus on what Bud wants, or thinks he wants. Bud looks dismayed, and goes immediately to Gekko's office, storming in and interrupting a meeting. Loved this editorial. GradeSaver, Gordon Gekko: The True Hero of Wall Street. No democracy that takes freedom seriously should infringe on the right of occupational choice by demanding that people farm. "I'm asking for a modest 20% across the board wage cut, and 7 more hours a month," he proposes, suggesting that if he can turn the company around, he will bring salaries back to normal. This year, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is making the same argument Republicans have for years: that a vote based on Christian values would turn the country around. For more information, please visit: &, For more information, please visit: Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Your monetary help deserves praise. I, too, am guilty of voting for Republicans, even when I didn't know much about their opponents. They did severe damage long term damage to the County and the full extent the harm from their sell out to developers and their rank stupidity will be coming be coming home to roost in Frederick for decades to come. People who are not registered to vote also are generally mistrustful of others; just 27% say that most people can be trusted. "If we look at it in those terms alone, it appears to be irrational," Lanning says. The opposition always loves a infil-traitor of their opponents. But Democrats are more likely to be non-voters: 20% of Democrats say they are not registered to vote, compared with 14% of Republicans; among political independents, 27% say they are not registered to vote. For example, we can give to charity, heal the sick, make art, teach, work productively in ways that create jobs and much else. All three on repeated occasions tied the Christian vote to the Republican cause. The Frederick County Republican Central Committee has to learn there is a new Republican Party in Frederick and is not run by Michael Hill, Rand Weinberg, Kirby Delauter, and Billy Shreve. But healthy democracies do curtail our freedom when they require that we serve as jurors, that we fight for our country in times of war, that we pay taxes and, more trivially, that we recycle our trash. Who is the Democratic candidate for president? Gekko doesn't think it's such a good idea, but Bud insists that it would be a good move; "It's gonna make us a fortune!" One person on whom Gekko's flashy attitude does not work is Carl Fox, who watches Gekko with a skepticism. When one of the employees asks Gekko what's to prevent him from ruining the company as well, he insists that he knows a way around it to make the airline profitable. A crack is made about Greenleaf having vacationed at a nudist colony. Intermittent voters also are characterized by feelings of boredom with politics. However, the degree of political participation via the act of voting may be a different story. Don't lie. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Such objections would presumably apply as well to Republican politicians who have not hesitated to interpret Christianity as supportive of their agenda. Vote! But they are crucial to Republican and Democratic fortunes in the Nov. 7 midterm elections. He speaks nostalgically of the days of the free market in which America was a top industrial power, growing more and more passionate as he speaks. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World. Maybe they are the jockeys who are to wallop the horse to run faster.) One conservative academic argued that Buttigieg "doesn't get to make up his own Christianity," and another conservative dismissed Buttigieg's comments as "partisan nonsense.". It also showcases a galaxy of real-world newscasters and commentators, including Chris Matthews , Arianna Huffington , Bill Maher , Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Two Republican presidential candidates from that period Pat Robertson and Mike Huckabee are former Southern Baptist preachers and one, Ted Cruz, is the son of a conservative evangelical pastor. "You know where I stand, goodnight all," Carl says, leaving the room. It takes time to register and to learn about the candidates' views. Acevedo and Krueger note that these psychological mechanisms can explain why some people vote strategically for a less preferred party or candidate, and the way voter turnout increases when polls predict a close race. It would be catastrophic if nobody farmed, but that does not mean we each have an obligation to become farmers. sorry to tell but there is HUGE differences between the party, and that is not enough reason to affiliate with either party, in the minds of the 21% and growing. usernames are not allowed. This 'party mentality' is has evolved into such a sham. Through a series of implausibilities too risible to relate here, Bud's vote, which went unprocessed, becomes a do-over. People in the first group got a letter reminding them of the importance of doing their civic duty and voting. 6/1/2015 3. Jerry was going to live with a family that had three little girls. If he does not win the Republican primary he can still run as an Independent. He can handle that two ways. sexually-oriented language. At his best, in films like "Bull Durham" and "Tin Cup," he could be marvelously easygoing and yet temperamental. 6/1/2015 1. If they are disliked, and I think they are, they earned it. Why? These intermittent voters are the most important swing group in politics distinguished not by their partisan leanings but by their voting behavior. They are "swaying in the breeze", aren't they? One other key difference: Regular voters are more likely than intermittent voters to say they have been contacted by a candidate or political group encouraging them to vote, underscoring the value of get-out-to-vote campaigns and other forms of party outreach for encouraging political participation. He did not want them to call the police and send him back to the home before meeting his father. Incumbent Republican President Andrew Boone (Kelsey Grammer) courts Bud by bringing him aboard the presidential plane for a chat. answer choices. 300 seconds. improve functionality and performance. It took more than two-and-a-half years and 1,273 votes for the FNP to report on the record and power of a Blaine Young voting bloc on the BOCC (July 21, 2013). Self-expression is likely to play a role as well, posits Lanning, who watches voting behavior as a poll worker in Palm Beach County, Fla. tly go to church, they survey finds. subscription. The only time they stretch their necks out and it's only a millimeter or two is when they show the two candidates shamelessly pandering for Bud's vote. "He's using you kid. Voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about like affordable housing, economic justice, environmental protection, and quality education. 25, No.1). Intermittent voters make up 20% of the population. Thank you for reading! 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