Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <> children. Returns the number of times that the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. In-browser savesi.e., autosave and slot savesare largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. Executes its contents if the given conditional expression evaluates to true. (Help) Error: UI is not defined when trying to create a save/load button SugarCube 2 Hi, i'm pretty new to using twine / sugarcube, so i do apologise for the noob question. Initializes the seedable pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) and integrates it into the story state and saves. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Note: To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <> macro in Twine2as shown above. Registers the passage into the Jump To menu. Warning: It is strongly recommended that you do not place background properties on the html element in addition to the body element as this can cause background jitter in Internet Explorer when scrolling outside of fullscreen mode. There are many differences between Harlowe and SugarCube, this guide will document some of the most critical you will need to account for if you're coming to SugarCube from a background in Harlowe. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. May be called with either the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup. Does not modify the original. Hi, I am really new in Twine. See <> for more information. The controls of the Settings dialog automatically call this method when settings are changed, so you should normally never need to call this method manually. Since this kind of goes with this topic. This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Like in Harlowe, some SugarCube macros accept expressions and others accept discreet arguments. Note: Executes its contents and outputs the result, after removing leading/trailing newlines and replacing all remaining sequences of newlines with single spaces. Browsers are not currently required to honor the navigationUI setting. All DOM macros require the elements to be manipulated to be on the page. Gets or sets the playlist's volume level (default: 1). Creates a list of single-use passage links. Does not modify the original. Iterates through all enumerable entries of the given collection. Instead, use Navigation Events or Tasks. Returns the total number (count) of played moments within the extended past history (expired + past). May also be, and often is, used to add additional story UI elements and content to the UI bar. Determines whether the story's history controls (Backward, Jump To, & Forward buttons) are enabled within the UI bar. For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you wrap each <> and its accompanying text within a