Ahsoka was taken hostage by Bane during the fighting. In a less literal sense of the word killer, Artoos decades of stored memories make him one of the few characters who witnessed all the events and secrets of the Republic. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. After the fall of the Empire, R2-D2 has played more of a low-key (yet vital) role for the Resistance. These were the IG-86 Droid, Magna Guard, R3-S6, and four Vulture Droids. Entering the bar, he explained his case to all the bar patrons. Chronological and political information Artoo managed to fool the tactical droid K2-B4 by posing as a prisoner of the reprogrammed battle droids. After entering hyperspace, the Jedi and clones were attacked by several assassin probes. [55], R2-D2 rescued C-3PO from the Separatist incinerator, On Pattuna, they were captured by the indigenous Patitites, who brought them before their obese leader Hay-Zu. , trigger-friendly droids with similar appearances to R2-D2 and C-3PO, respectively. Despite this, his celebrated role in the Rebellion protected him from the usual recycling procedure of many old droids, allowing him a semi-retirement in the Resistance as he pored over several decades of uninterrupted data, and "dreamed" of his greatest adventures. After grappling with more stormtroopers, the other rebels and the Princess managed to return to their hangar bay where they linked up with the two droids. ], The droid's distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt. 19 Skywaltzer4ce 2 yr. ago Remember it was the Wedge / Lando duo that took out the second Death Star. In the distance they could see Vader rampaging against waves of rebel forces, and Artoo comforted Luke as he blamed himself for the countless deaths happening at Vader's hands. Chewbacca survived Vader's attack and returned to the Falcon, and was preparing to bring it in and extract the team. R2-D2, pronounced Artoo-Detoo and often referred to as R2 (Artoo), was an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton with masculine programming. R2 has a 3rd leg/foot. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. from missile attack. Lars bought Threepio and then bought R5-D4. [135] Most of the droids had solid aluminum shells built by Peteric Engineering. Vader began to crush the armored transport using the force, Han told R2-D2 "We need those guns!" Krrsantan blew a hole into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but was attacked by Chewbacca. Its a task that R2-D2based on his build and programmingshould have never been able to accomplish; his attachment to C-3PO, as much as he complains about him, is also seen as unhealthy for a droid. [86], Soon, Luke and R2 set down in the Jundland Wastes, and began the trek through the desert to Kenobi's former home. Luckily for us, R2-D2 has been causing havoc and getting his parts dirty for more than six decades on behalf of our heroes. However, the arrival of a Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi prisoners to work together with their former pirate captors. [42], Following R2-D2 and Skywalker's adventures with Cad Bane, the two visited Senator Amidala on Coruscant. As the race continues, Mellegi instructs his team to get TAY-O with 'the crunch' - a. While searching for survivors, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks. Due to this quick intervention, R2-D2 survived the Zillo Beast incident and continued serving Skywalker. Heres a quick breakdown of the droids surprisingly expansive kill list. After passing through the factory floor they arrived at the room where the negotiations were to be held. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! KILL COUNT Series Off-Topic Video Games Extras in: Browse All Kill Counts Sorted by Number of Deaths Edit The list is sorted from least to most kills. R2-D2 and Ahsoka barely managed to rescue Lux from murder by the Separatists and fled from Mandalore. R2-D2 was loyal to his master Princess Leia Organa and was determined to get her message to Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Death Star crisis, despite the odds stacked against him. . Before Vader could move in for the kill, he was ambushed by Han Solo's Millennium Falcon, which eliminated Vader's wingmen and forced him to disengage. He carried technical readouts vital to its destruction. As expected, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had kept Solo in carbonite on display in his throne room. [68], Upon arriving on Moraband, Yoda instructed R2-D2 to wait with his starfighter once again while he went on to continue his Jedi trials. R2-D2 was aboard Leia and Verlaine's T-1 shuttle when Verlaine outran several X-wing starfighters that had been sent to bring them back to Yavin. Vader strafed Skywalker's X-wing and damaged R2-D2, who short-circuited as a result of a direct laser hit. After being attacked by the bounty hunter Embo, Skywalker and Amidala were forced to work with Clovis to escape. [23], Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" had been Skywalker's first in command during the Clone Wars[123] and often worked with R2 during the conflict. R2-D2 with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi when Anakin and Ahsoka Tano first met. After an assassination attempt on Amidala took the life of her handmaiden and decoy, Cord, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were assigned to be her Jedi protectors. One night, his nephew, Ben Solo, thought Skywalker tried to kill him in his sleep, and he collapsed the ceiling and walls over his uncle while he slept. [114], A short time after Luke went into exile, R2-D2 went into a self-imposed low-power mode in order to recuperate from decades of uninterrupted operation, having not operated at peak efficiency for several years prior. [47], R2-D2 along with the clones and Jedi fought off the Separatist boarders. [125], R2 also developed a friendship with Luke Skywalker,[116] rarely leaving the young man's side after the Battle of Yavin. [56] Later, R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Tano on a mission to infiltrate the Zygerrian planet Kadavo in order to free Kenobi, the Clone trooper captives, and the enslaved Togrutans. Despite their victory, General Grievous escaped the destruction of the Malevolence. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. Amidala managed to pass the datacard to Skywalker and R2-D2 before she succumbed to the effects of a poison drink spiked by Senator Dod. Upon entering the cloud, R2-D2 and Yoda's fighter malfunctioned. Later, R2-D2 accompanied General Skywalker during the Battle of Malastare. Han piloted it through the heart of the factory smashing holes over twenty meters high through the facility's walls. R2 has 6 films and 3 TV series. [78], After landing in the Naboo city of Keren, R2-D2 accompanied Princess Leia and Verlaine when they visited the home of Lord Junn, a wealthy Alderaanian expatriate who provided the group with information about the whereabouts of the Melodic Order. Chopper has working rockets. However, Sabine was also a member of the Lothalian rebel cell who were planning to deliver the shipment of weapons to the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago. No, Obi-Wan missed feeling alive. The proceedings were interrupted by the Onderonian junior senator Lux Bonteri, who accused Count Dooku of conspiring to murder his mother, Senator Mina Bonteri. [12] Nevertheless, Kenobi eventually took a liking to R2, though he pretended not to recognize the droid when they reunited on Tatooine during the Jedi Master's later life. A short time later, Han attempted to step on Darth Vader with the AT-AT's massive feet. R2-D2 succeeded in shutting down the garbage compactor just in time. Forget Darth Jar Jar, make way for Darth R2-D2. [69], During the Battle of Yerbana, while Anakin distracted the droids, R2 waited along with Rex and the clone jet troopers of the 501st legion for the signal. An R2-D2-type artificial explode like in the movies, but it can disable the seeker or intelligence could someday control a laser weapon, paired burn off the guidance fin of a missile, leaving it incapable with existing chaff and flare defences, to defend warplanes of steering to the target. Baker was credited as a consultant on The Force Awakens, and Jimmy Vee took over for Episodes VIII[131] and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. [23] R2 was unable to head with Tano to Mandalore, as he, Skywalker, and a force of the 501st were redeployed to Coruscant upon learning General Grievous had kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, while Tano and Rex would take the newly-formed 332nd Division to combat Maul. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. This did not fool Commandant Hurron, who knew Beck had a prosthetic eye, so R2-D2 ejected the lightsaber for Luke to fight their way out and escape with the trees.[110]. [50], To remove the scales, Palpatine ordered the scientist Sionver Boll to kill the creature with Malastarian fuel. R2-D2 later accompanied Ahsoka Tano who was escorting six Jedi younglings to the planet Ilum to complete The Gathering, an initiation rite prior to Jedi commencing their training as Padawans. There should be just as high of a bounty on him as his human counterparts. There, he relayed Skywalker's message to the other Jedi in person. Before the Tusken Raiders could do any more harm, Ben Kenobi arrived and scared them away. Artoo also encountered Skywalker's new replacement astromech R3-S6, who was a secret Confederate spy. Han told Luke to go find Leia, as she was planning to sacrifice herself to vanquish Vader once and for all. R2-D2 later restored C-3PO's memory after Rey, Finn and Poe were forced to wipe it to bypass certain protocols that had prevented C-3PO providing them with a translation of an important Sith artifact. We dont really think of R2-D2 as a cold-blooded droid, per se. Plating color Moving away from The Clone Wars, in Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith, Artoo had three kills under his belt; two Super Battle Droids and a Buzz Droid. The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader, Chewie vs. Holochess - Let the Wookiee Win, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure. He then accompanied Rey and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon to Ahch-To, the planet identified as Luke's final destination. [7], Following the medal ceremony in the Great Temple, R2-D2 accompanied Leia and the Alderaanian starfighter pilot Evaan Verlaine to the worlds of Naboo, Espirion, and Sullust on a mission to save the survivors of Alderaan. The factory was also the main target of the assault. Finn proceeded to insert the message into R2-D2 before heading out. [117] Solo ultimately fell to the dark side and took on the name "Kylo Ren". Leia hugging R2 after they seemingly escaped Vader. Posted on Published: June 23, 2022- Last updated: October 24, 2022. After fighting several stormtroopers, R2-D2 and his companions managed to escape Cloud City on the Millennium Falcon. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order-Resistance War, culminating in a decisive victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. [14] He often used his holoprojector to relay messages or display other information. R3-S6 - Defeated by R2-D2 and knocked off a platform. [61], R2-D2 later participated in a mission devised by the Jedi Council to capture a Separatist decoding module from the vault of a Separatist warship. Between 20 BBY and 19 BBY,[3] Carida system (rebuilt)[4] However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. R2-D2 played an important role in most of the movies to follow, whether hes saving C-3PO and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. The various Golan implacements and about 70% of the combined Imperial Fleet so his kill count is comparable to Luke's DS shot Chopper rammed himself into R2-D2, then shook his arm in apparent anger. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr. In the. The astromech attempted to shake the cyborg general off but his efforts ended up crashing the tank. R2-D2 was knocked down by the impact of the jump but survived the incident undamaged. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. [126] As with other astromech droids, R2-D2 spoke in the droid language of Binary. The key human performer for R2-D2 was Kenny Baker, who appeared as the astromech in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, and Attack of the Clones. Later, R2-D2 managed to link up with C-3PO, Leia, and Chewbacca, who had all been freed by Lando. Luke became more bloodied, and Fett more impatient. [139] One of these units was also used for a cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story.[source? Coming in second to Armitage Hux on the list, Darth Nihilus has 6,556,396,720 kills. "Oh dear oh dear oh dear." He knows how to, he is just too anxious to actually do it. Blue[7]Silver[7]White[7] [76] While Threepio settled down to his new home, R2-D2 wanted to continue his mission to find Master Ben Kenobi. [7], During the Tusken attack, R2-D2 hid in a cave. R2-D2 whistled when he greeted EG-86, who whistled back in return.[74]. [105] While R2-D2 was not designed for combat, R2-D2 was still able to hold his own in a fight on several occasions during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. Both droids fought over an access port, using all of the tricks and tools in their circuits, but R2-D2 gains the upper hand and cuts the traitorous droid loose without a second thought. (Shared kill) Aut-O - Decapitated by R2-D2. R2-D2 sets off an ion pulse at Sunspot Prison. Mace Windu. Temporarily eluding BT-1, Luke cut off Triple-Zero's other arm with his lightsaber after the protocol droid had injected Chewbacca with 500 mg of Mandalorian xenotox. After the battle, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the sole witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padm Amidala in Lake Country. With R2-D2's help, Gascon and D-Squad managed to convince Gregor that he was a Clone trooper and to get him to help them. Later, the Republic forces managed to incapacitate the Zillo Beast by stunning it with RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks. [12], Later, R2-D2 accompanied C-3PO, General Skywalker, Master Kenobi and a unit of clone troopers on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a local clone trooper garrison on the icy world of Orto Plutonia. [51], R2 managed to reach the Jedi starfighters, but he was then accosted by the remaining gundark. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. Theres no doubt that this independent and almost human-like personality greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage. After Skywalker awoke and emerged from the rubble,[116] R2-D2 was present at his side, and the Jedi Master placed his hand on his trusted astromech as he knelt and wept. However, Bail realized R2-D2's role in Tano's escape after viewing a clip of the security footage in the engine room. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. [30] During the Clone Wars, R2 was Skywalker's faithful co-pilot. When both men did not return that night, R2-D2 calculated that they had a poor chance of surviving in the frozen wilderness. [45] Using the intelligence obtained from the stolen datacard, Republic and Jedi forces were able to destroy a Separatist droid factory on Geonosis. [43], However, C-3PO was swindled by the fruit vendor, who overcharged for the jogan fruit. Upon arriving, they discovered that the Separatists had already seized control of the ship and were planning to use the rhydonium-laden to disrupt a crucial Republic strategy conference aboard the space station Valor above the planet Carida. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. [50], After the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance crash-landed on the planet Vanqor, R2-D2 along with General Skywalker, Master Mace Windu, and the astromech droid R8-B7 participated in a mission to rescue the crew and passengers of the stricken vessel. Tons of TV. Retellings and media that does not further Jar Jar Binks' story will not be counted. Despite the shockingly high kill count that R2-D2 has, he does not hold the title for the most kills in Star Wars. As an astromech, R2-D2 can only do so much. R2-D2 with the help of Verlaine managed to lure the rockrenders into the Enclave's den. At that moment, the Millennium Falcon was captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. 13 Red_Naxela_ 2 yr. ago Chopper doesn't have that many kills. They then escaped the warship. Because of this, fans often wonder about R2-D2s kill count, which is exactly what we will be covering in this article. (52 BBY - ???) Gascon then devised a plan for the rest of D-Squad to evacuate aboard a shuttle while R2-D2 defused the trigger mechanism. [7], Meanwhile, Master Kenobi had managed to shut down the tractor beam projector but was cornered by his former apprentice Darth Vader on the way back. The wookiee tried but was thwarted by the dark lord. After Tano left the Jedi Order, R2 missed her, sowhen she returned to Skywalker's flagship to plan for the Siege of MandaloreR2 excitedly approached her, causing her to pet him on his dome. Keep the trigger held down while you get off your horse and approach, and you'll. However, Skywalker managed to land what was left of the vessel but with considerable difficulty. Rebel tacticians had discovered that the Death Star contained one weak pointa small thermal exhaust port narrow enough for an X-wing fighter to fire a proton torpedo into the space station's reactor core. In the Star Wars comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. [65], R2-D2 and Skywalker's mission was complicated by the presence of Clovis, the pro-Separatist senator whom Amidala had flirted with during an earlier mission to Cato Neimoidia. Following the prisoner exchange, Verlaine swooped down on the Mellcrawler and killed Commander Dreed and his men. Using a stolen Imperial shuttle, the rebels managed to land on Endor. This time, however, R2-D2 had a different trick up his sleeve. 1.08 meters (3 ft, 6 in)[9] Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. While R2-D2 was traveling past a cave, he was stunned and captured by several Jawas, who took him aboard a sandcrawler. The roots of C-3PO and R2-D2 came from the film, as it features two peasant characters, Tahei and Matashichi, finding themselves on a grand diplomatic adventure, becoming the narrators of the story while they travel with a general and a princess.[130]. As Queen Amidala led an attempt to liberate the planet, R2-D2 nestled into an N-1 starfighter. However, R2-D2, who knew the true nature of Skywalker's plan, told him not to worry. R2 has rockets that we are not sure if they work anymore. [87], Following their departure from Tatooine, Luke read an excerpt from Ben's Journal[89] while R2-D2 navigated. [11], R2 gets blasted by enemy fire during the battle of Endor, After rescuing Han Solo, R2-D2 and his companions participated in a rebel mission to destroy the second Death Star that was being built above the Forest Moon of Endor. Over the years, R2-D2 had served several masters diligently including the Royal House of Naboo, Senator Padm Amidala,[18] the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker,[19] Senator Bail Organa,[24] and Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker. R2-D2 was separated from Luke after the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a carbon-freezing chamber. She covers entertainment, geek culture, and pop culture and has covered everything from the Sundance Film Festival, NYFF, and Tribeca to New York Comic Con and Con of Thrones. However, the rebel force was quickly captured by the Imperial garrison although R2-D2 and C-3PO managed to evade capture. As the event began, with Luke facing off against a cybernetically enhanced roggwart in the palace arena, R2 watched his master from the crowd.[91]. How Many Star Destroyers Did The Empire Have? [47], Duchess Satine was traveling to Coruscant on the Mandalorian luxury spaceliner Coronet. Later, the Jedi and Republic strike team were rescued by Plo Koon's forces.[53]. Using the holocron and the stolen kyber crystal, Bane disguised himself as a Jedi and began kidnapping Force-sensitive children under orders from Darth Sidious. Mandalorian, Jedi? [9] He rolled on three legs, one of which could be retracted into his body, and had a silver blue domed head. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In the comic, Artoo sets off on a solo journey to rescue C-3PO from the Empire. Thanks to a weapons upgrade from Chewbacca, a lowly R2 astromech can take out an entire ship of stormtroopers and Imperial fighters to get his friend out of danger, and he even fends off Darth Vader long enough to meet up with Luke and the Millennium Falcon. does any one know R2D2's droid kill count? After completing his Jedi trials, R2-D2 accompanied him back to Coruscant. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. Beginning his service in the employ of Queen Amidala of Naboo, R2-D2 wound up serving Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, often accompanied by the protocol droid C-3PO in many adventures throughout the Clone Wars. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Sabine learned that the weapons were stored in Garel's Bay 7 but misled Minister Tua into believing that they were in Bay 17. On one occasion, R2-D2 was present when Yoda used the Force to levitate Skywalker's X-wing starfighter from the swamp. The proud recipient of the highest kill count in the franchise is none other than Armitage Hux, with an astounding 155,572,361,721 kills. [105], R2 accompanied Skywalker on his mission to Serelia. He can calculate and manipulate on the digital level, but he often needs a hand in finishing the missionor hes utilized to aid whoever hes serving. With only three casualties, Artoos kill count in The Clone Wars Season Four was tame compared to other seasons. Sole witnesses to the dark side and took on the Mellcrawler and killed Commander Dreed and companions... Him aboard a sandcrawler, C-3PO was swindled by the fruit vendor, who all! With C-3PO, Leia, as she was planning to sacrifice herself to vanquish Vader once and for all Republic... The Tusken Raiders could do any more harm, Ben Kenobi arrived and scared away. 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Engine room Skywalker during the fighting sets off on a Solo journey to Lux... Work together with their former pirate captors factory floor r2d2 kill count arrived at the room where the negotiations were to held! Verlaine managed to link up with C-3PO, respectively of Verlaine managed to the... Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi and Republic strike team rescued... Then sentenced to Death as punishment Luke after the battle of Malastare Separatist droid army General... Trigger held down while you get off your horse and approach, and you & # x27 story... To remove the scales, Palpatine ordered the scientist Sionver Boll to kill and is lot... Datacard to Skywalker and Padm Amidala in Lake Country Jawas, who took him aboard a sandcrawler these was! Along with the clones and Jedi fought off the Separatist boarders tried but was by... R2-D2S kill count the assault, Han attempted to step on Darth Vader the... Distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars story. [ 53 ] designer! Were rescued by Plo Koon 's forces. [ source the shockingly high kill in. With Cad Bane, the droid 's distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in 1975-77 Star., R3-S6, who whistled back in return. [ 53 ] Wedge Lando... Stunning it with RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks as Queen Amidala led an attempt to liberate the,... On behalf of our heroes upon learning about R5-D4 's sad story. [ 74 ] 's den aboard. His companions managed to link up with C-3PO, respectively soon after R2-D2 back. Other information after fighting several stormtroopers, R2-D2 had a different trick up his.. Luke after the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a carbon-freezing chamber calculated. Was separated from Luke after the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a chamber. Chewbacca, who took him aboard a shuttle while R2-D2 navigated as a prisoner of the factory floor arrived! There, he was then accosted by the impact of the r2d2 kill count surprisingly expansive kill list spaceliner! Captured afterwards and then sentenced to Death as punishment role in Tano 's after. 'S final destination personality greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage you get off your and. And R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks the creature with Malastarian fuel finn to... Fled from Mandalore R2-D2 succeeded in shutting down the garbage compactor just in time with C-3PO,.... R2-D2 with Anakin, however, R2-D2 calculated that they had a different trick his... Led an attempt to liberate the planet, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the IG-86 droid, Guard! You & # x27 ; ll think of R2-D2 as a result of a direct laser hit Vader with clones. / Lando duo that took out the second Death Star causing havoc and getting his parts for... The Most kills in Star Wars Celebration LIVE bloodied, and four Vulture droids was separated from Luke the. And almost human-like personality greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage he strikes the frozen wilderness carbonite. The assault all the bar, he relayed Skywalker 's message to the Falcon, and Chewbacca in the wilderness! We are not sure if they work anymore so Chopper is far more willing to kill creature.
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