Almost every country in Europe has had civil war or revolution, in the end you have two Europeans wars which are refered to as world wars. Now if Dr. Bruce Lahn is studying the brains of chimps, who do you think that he is researching? If anything, it reinforces how hard our ancestors worked to give us the things we take for granted today like having a safe shelter, living in a mostly safe country, rule of law, and all the amazing science and discoveries that have enriched our understanding of ourselves and the universe. After all mr blacky jahdey your more brown then black kind of like shit. Finally, I dont know about your negroid and pinkoid categorizations. THESE PEOPLE ARE LIVING TO A 100 WITHOUT EYEGLASSES, ARTHRITIS,ANY HEART ISSUSES, BREATHING ISSUES EITHER, THEY ARE HEALTHIER AND STRONGER THAN PEOPLE HALF THEIR AGE. With only 10m telephone lines, half of them in South Africa, there is little It is established by setting out clones (as grafts or cuttings) or seedling progeny of trees selected for desired characteristics. Genetically testing prior to breeding is necessary to avoid the most common diseases in the breed. REMEMBER ONLY THE FITTEST survive and africa is a squalid shit hole, which should be allowed to die, please dont shoot the messenger. Perhaps there are some arguments in some of the ESSAYS written below, but people have a tendency to stray from the topic, when they cant disprove the premise laid out. Two-thirds of rural Africans lack adequate water supplies, while three On the front page of yesterdays Wall Street Journal is an article which talks about the issue directly. Because many genetically different varieties are available, they can be grown in most of the temperate areas of the United States. 7.In what way do Africans have a superior genetic profile, what does that actually mean, give an example? The in depth studies can be found at the articles source, here: IT IS NOT LOST TO EVERYONE BUT THE MAJORITY HAS NO IDEA. Hello, WINNING, goodbye, WHINING! The Grimaldi graves do not date to the neolithic, they date to the paleolithic only a discrepancy of thousands of years. Google up Uzbekistanis and Azeris so you can view your cousins from the Steppes and recall once more the cold and unmerciful land of your nativity. The World Bank report, called Can Africa Claim The Twenty-first Century?, 4.Give your evidence that the people who built stone henge were Negroid immigrants from Africa, which they must have been if Europeans didnt arrive in Europe until thousands of years later , and remember many human remains have been found in that place dating from the time of its building and use, and guess what they are all caucasion judging by their DNA and skull morphology. WebCustom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings What I have not seen one white person on this thread DO is prove that Europeans ARE NOT GEN-ETIC-LY inferior.. Get over yourself..virus! The genes will propagate rapidly. well henry smith EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT ANCIENT EGYPT WAS BLACK AND THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE STILL LIVES THERE, YOU NEED TO VISIT AND TOUR THE PYRAMID AND THE MUSEUM WHERE YOU WILL SEE ACTUAL LIVE FOOTAGE OF THESE PEOPLE THE ORIGINALS WERE EXTREMELY DARK SKIN CHECK OUT ACUTUAL FOOTAGE DONE BY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ETC. I find it touching that you place so much trust in a discredited study of white scientists, but you must remember that study has been deeply criticised as useing uneven numbers of black white study subjects and the study was about genetic predisposition to conjenital illness , not inteligence where as we all know Whites tend on average to do better in IQ tests. Eugenics ( / judnks / yoo-JEN-iks; from Ancient Greek (e) 'good, well', and - (gens) 'come into being, growing') [1] [2] is a fringe set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Also keep your ignorant silly racist assumptions to yourself, you do not know how well educated i am, maybe my pinky ass, as you put it is way better educated than your black ass knows. Now what is your defence MR. Your lying cheap pink arse simply inserted racist assumptions into the studies conducted by Dr. Lahn. Well I am white and I have never hurt anyone, oppressed anyone, or did any of the other bad things mentioned above. Now many people, possibly even you, will hate me for saying this next thing. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. I dont even understand what youre saying, maybe by your liberal definition of genetics Europeans are genetically inferior, whatever the criteria for being superior may be. We can adapt and survive in any environment, thats why were white, we left the desert and we didnt have the means to survive in frozen Europe physically, but we had our magnificent brains. BRAINS. please list in full with sources in full the precise achievements of sub-saharan negroid Africans. Modern English bears no similarity with what was spoken by the Anglo Saxons. If black are superior then why did you all have your head in your ass while the west progressed through the ages? You are not white! That fact was reinforced by a larger-scale study, also published in Nature, led by scientists from the Universities of Michigan and Virginia who analyzed genetic samples of 485 individuals scattered around the globe whose DNA is recorded in a French databank. Black men were made to build civilization which they have done. Well I never said anything about the stonehenge, I only taught you about the history of the Silures of Britain. But then your intelligence is still below average and your mastery of facts and history is really poor. Below is an excerpt in which I highlight the important conclusion: In recent years, Dr. Lahn has become interested in why the human brain is so large and complex. WebView the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for Genetically inferior, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for Genetically Beats me, but they do! In his Journey to the Hebrides, September 1, 1773, Boswell wrote of one clan, the McCraes, some were as black and wild in their appearance as any American savages, whatsoever. Martin who had visited these Western Islands eighty years before Boswell said of the people of Jura, black of complexion , of Islay, generally black. , . Blacky jahdee The Roman alphabet was derived from the semitic caucasian phoenicians who infact came from palestine -lebanon, they develloped their script from an earlier phase of Sumerian pictographic writting before it evolved into the cuneform script. Studying DNA from several species, the Chicago team found that, over millions of years, the genes had undergone more rapid change in monkeys, apes and humans than in other animals. DISCOVERED DNA?? Can you say with me that you are pink and proud? Know that and get real!, You geniuses, as you claim didnt even have speech; Yodlee Hee Hee, can you say Qongqothwane?, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others & their environments to live.. Here is the face of those Europeans that lived in Europe until your types came out of Central Asia from your original home near Azerbaijan in 400 AD. It is not a disease but it is certainly hereditary. If it occurs in one family member, one can be reasonably certain that many more are autistic. W You should really watch this and see some of the great achievements of my people. Destroying the planet you live on, killing your neighbors and harboring disdain is actually a devolution for the human race. well the list goes on and on does it not? Archeaological and genetic evidence have demonstrated that the Grimaldi were Blacks of the Central and West African typology. It has been observed in respect of those graves that they are constructed on similar lines, and the great majority of the skeletons they contain are remarkablefor their uniformity of type. So striking, writes Professor Elliot Smith, is the family likeness between the early Neolithic peoples of the British Isles and the Mediterranean and the bulk of the population, both ancient and modern, of Egypt and East Africa, that the description of the bones of an Early Briton of that remote epoch might apply in all essential details to an inhabitant of Somaliland. (The Ancient Egyptians, p. So what changed to make you guys so inventive, scientific, and glorious? WebScientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'genetic.' Darn, as late as 18th century, the European did not bathe but once a year upon medical recommendation, the European did not know that it was necessary to eat fruits every day, the European died from waves of wars and starvation. Ruined it. In what way do Africans have a superior genetic profile Right, they're genetically modified organisms. , . 1. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. I advise every Black person to read this translation of Aethiogyptian wisdom. Remember Gott mit uns. Im more preoccupied with keeping my distance from everyone. Are you saying white people arent fit to survive in multiple environments? Uzbekistan? Smythen continues to whine: According to the research work of the scientists of European descent who are all based in Cornell University Americas leading Ivy league University and other , 120. And in what ways? Now cite me the papers that discredited the above studies. Furthermore, this entire argument is irrelevant because it matters who you are as an individual not whether or not our race is superior. If were showing that genes have an overwhelming influence on who gets put onto the life-course persistent pathway, then that would suggest we need to know Ok if your fit to survive in any environmentthen why does your skin peel, blister, burn, & turn red when your in the Sun? WHAT A EVIL SYSTEM THEY INVENTED. Jahdey roars: Go ask them why they made the findings above since Rastalivewire is just the messenger. There is no specific Negroid type, who are you Darwin or some joker. ; . When did the Vandals get to Hispana-Spain? Melannin Blacky jahdee confers no advantage in the realm of inteligence, this again is pseudo science of the kind we come to expect from blackies such as yourself. Add two and two together. The innate inferiority complex of whites cannot be mistaken for anything. A new report by the World Bank says many African countries are worse off now Its the unification of Science and Religion and those versed in both will easily recognize It as the origin of all religious and scientific theories hitherto presented by the Western usurpers as non-African. 2.give precise historical, economic, verifiable evidence to prove that africa is the shit hole it is today because of colonialism. split the atom. By 2010, 80% of Hawaiian papaya plants were genetically modified. Isnt this proof of invention? Nope you dont have to be superior to oppress, all you really need is a inhumane and devilish mindset fuelled by greed, along with an arsenal of highly destructive weapons and a two a faced smile. WebCustom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last. Maria gimbutas is an anthropologist who has been discredited, sorry to tell you that i know how stupid you are.The kurgans are as white as the rest of Europe were they were a horse riding culture from the Ukraine and Russian steppes, they were not the first white people in Europe you ape man they were simply one of many tribes moving about Europe, such as the Beaker people, the Corded wear people, the Battle axe people etc. Sure, the racism that happened was a bit much but going around saying whites are inferior is the most ironic thing Ive ever heard. As with the other large-scale study, the Stanford team found the greatest diversity outside of Africa among people living in the wide crescent of land stretching from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean to northern India. Pink-Smythe??). The internet, electricity, are all fruits of collective human endeavour. If we continue life with only consideration of what a white male wants, the power structure not necessarily the individual, then the whole earth would have been destroyed long ago. A category error. It is treating statements referring to genes as though they are value judgements, rather than factual propositions. This is paten The Marcus Garveys, the Malcolm Xs, Elijah Mohammeds and the Noble Drew Alis of this world shall rebuild Africa into the ancient glory that it was. Please dont shoot the messenger jadee if you cannot accept the truth. 58. You are pink in colour, go look at yourself in the mirror and tell me whether you see white or pink complexion. #imjustsayin. Jahdey roars: Only a sicker and more unfit tiger kills and eats its kind. THIS KNOWLEDGE OF TELEPATHY (ESP) IS HIGHLY STUDIED BY ALL OF YOUR INSTITUTIONS, ARMY ETC. Eh Goofie, the article above was actually written by European descended scientists one of your so-called people. WebIts possible that you may be genetically inferior, and its possible that you carry good genes. John Hume you are talking about politics and economics. WebYou are descended from the smartest, strongest, most cunning, resilient lifeforms in the history of life. Genetically inferior people are less fit for multiple environments..GENETICALLY.. , - . Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. R1b is the most common haplo type amongst European men it is of paleolithic origin and is known to have originated in Europe. Evidently, these mutations were advantageous among those populations just as the genetic variant promoting milk digestion was advantageous to early Europeans. Got you pants down there. Maybe you want to show me the face of the first African backed by some credible authority. WebEugenics. Illogical reasoning leads to racist chicanery. Learn a new word every day. Finally the original owners of England were Black people as confirmed by the accounts of Julius Ceasar on his conquest of Britain. You are aware that the Arab slave trade in Africa totally dwarfed the slave trade to the now United States, right? 58.). Mr Pink-Smythe, but the Obamas of this world, the Mandelas, the Ghadaffis, the Zumas, and the the Jahdeys, shall restore the glory of Africa throught the might and power of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. Only a sick and unfit tiger kills a human being. Haiti could be a rich little country with rich farmland, and tourists could go there to enjoy the beaches, but the nigs have ruined that land. In the last 40 years, average incomes per person in Africa have stagnated . The specific Negroid type originated it is believed in west Africa , and the oldest Negroid skull type is much younger than the earliest caucasian type skull. We are even ruling United States today without firing a gunshot. Now we can look past that and say, Its from this part of Africa or Eurasia.'. Haiti would be a paradise on Earth if those n* were not there! while they have grown in most of the rest of the world. Nina Jablonski a European scientist, described the colour of European skin as pink or yellowish pink. We take no prisoners. Im not hating on someone that even mocks his own mother or who so eagerily wants all whites dead. The Evil deeds of your people even in the 60s by not wanting Africans to read, write, speak their own language, and just be human is why many Africans in HATEMERICA and other parts of the world are behind trying to pay catch up in this world. You are inadequate and incomplete because you have NOTHING, Europe is a continent of nothingness watch it go back to what it was and what it should have been. And remember that the so-called securing of food and water you talk about came through theiving and robbery, murder and pillage, vandalism and rape, kidnapping and enslavement. Africans are the MOST diverse group of people on the planet, with all facial feature types, skin tones and types, bone structure and hair types. You are a very stupid arrogant fool, you need to know what you are talking about not simply geting your tit bits of knowledge from poorly researched black nationalist sites which are intelectually substandard, you also have a habit of only hearing what you want to hear, and taking bits and bobs of information without being able to see the complete picture.but please i would love detailed and full rebutals to my listed points, full and complete. discovered penecilin. More genes dont mean better ones necessarily. Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities. SPLITTING THE ATOM DID NOT GET US ANYWHERE BUT WAS USED FOR EVIL TO CREATE BOMBS TO DESTROY LIVES AND NATURE, THIS IS THE NATURE OF THE ANTI CREATION PEOPLE , VERY DESTRUCTIVE. The Chinese invented the wheel. Blacks genetically less intelligent than whites according to Wall Street Journal. Read the article again and click on the link to see the original paper in Cornel University database. Only the fittest of the fittest will survive, in the end. Smythen, when did Anglo-Saxons arrive in England? sinophile said: this is literally the only expanation i have for my failures in love. Smythen cries: Native Americans have at least one closely related group in Asia the Yakuts of eastern Siberia, who themselves are related to other hunter-gatherer Siberian tribes, some of whom build wooden teepees. It is obvious you have an agenda to bring down all non-black and so you are no better than the terrible racist whites you hate so much. cedar park high . The island is home to a genetically distinct population of dingoes that are free of dog introgression, estimated to number 120. Genetically modified mice that are modified to disable the LTP mechanism, also generally show severe memory deficits. THIS IS WHAT WAS DONE UNDER WHITE SUPREMACY. Your time will come when you shall all pay for your crimes against humanity. Now you have said it Mr. Smythe. So dont call us dumb, deficent, killers, stealers, when surely all that we have adapted to was taught to us by murdering, raping, lynching, stealing ANIMALS AND ALIENS CALLED YOUR ANCESTORSSLAVERY PROVES THAT. Recent arrivals, where did they spring from? NAME ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF SPLITTING THE ATOM THAT BENEFITTED THE ENTIRE EARTH IN GOODNESS. From medical sciences, to astronomy, to physics and music, there was a Muurish master who facilitated its transfer to the Europeans. Those are not scientific terminologies. and of Arran, generally brown and some of a black complexion. The writing is on the wallask yourself this if Nubians were and are so bad why have them as slaves or breastfeed your children??? Send us feedback. It is more important that you first understand what is causing this feeling of inferiority , mediocrity ,and sense of lacking , so that you get an This is a waste of time if you cannot produce peer reviewed valid authorities in science, or history to back up your misconceived conclusions. You should not generalize and judge people because of the action of a few. We have results, you have excuses. Now tell me who is dumb!!! The inferior articular surfaces have the same direction as those of the other cervical vertebrae. Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior were the two most northerly continental provinces of the Roman empire. Dr. Lahn and his team further observed that the new mutations are found most frequently outside of Africa. America is not a white country, never was and never will be. WebToday, the alphas are people who have confidence (something you can develop), not genetics (out of your control). -1 . Stop hating on Africans! You shouldnt. You should accept that there is an inadequacy and resolve to change it, not for womens approval, but for your own. Dont focus on w I hear alot of boasting of destructive tendencies, things gained through the non-just, incorrect, unbalanced system of Racism (White Supremacy.). By the way, I know I am Brown like James Brown, and I am black and proud. The New Paradigm Daleks deem their creators inferior and exterminate them; their creators make no resistance to this, deeming themselves inferior as well. Iceland has one of the highest per capita incomes on Earth. Azerbaijan? How? WebYou might call something inferior if its quality isn't as good as another, comparable thing, like that kite that you can't get to fly no matter how fast you run back and forth while your Some of you may also have come from western China as you clearly demonstrated in your claims. Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your rambling does not sound like the product of an educated or sane mind. A third study, published in the journal Science on Friday, may be the most fascinating of all. A statistical analysis of DNA patterns suggested that new mutations in each of the two brain-related genes had spread quickly through some human populations. Actually i,m white not pink ..woof woof woof. What the data didnt say was how the mutations were advantageous. Sexual reproduction produces genetically unique offspring, allowing for adaptation. South Africa is probably the most progressive nation on the continent and thats only because caucasians ran the damn government for so long. I could also take you on a discovery ride to understand the melanin advantage and its connection to neurological functions. Why you butcher one another for basic survival. When did the Astrogoths get to Andalus? Your women are the trash of the world. What did you mean to ask? See my point now? This is why separatism works. , . more than that of Belgium. Is there another human language like that?., Henri the fifth whines: They were black and had curly hair. Dr. But, the report says Africa has enormous untapped potential and hidden The quote from David MacRitchie came from the book, Ancient and Modern Britons, published in 1926. Look, whites have conquered and successfully thrived on mountain ranges, frozen tundras, marshland, grassland, deserts and the Mediterranean. Based upon my reading of the NY Times article, which apparently put a PC spin on things, I concluded that Dr. Lahns research indicated that there are genetic differences between the races which affect brain function. UNLIKE THE EUROPEANS. . to need these procedures you are in a degenarative state since we have strayed far away from nature and the prescribed nutrition we were to consume. It's like a genetically engineered plague. WebThe Genetically Deficient Model Stereotyping people of color as deficient in certain desirable attributes -should recognize that average values of different populations tells us nothing about any one individual The very aboriginal americans - YouTube Video, 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture,,,,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg,,, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924. Fourteen words that helped define the year. . Shame on you pink fool, it shows you did not go to school. Dont act like you can define a negro, muchless a HUMAN. African civilizations have reached levels yours are only beginning to understand. Since we tend to think of European populations as quite large, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of neutral and deleterious variation between the two populations, said senior co-author Carlos Bustamante, an assistant professor of biological statistics and computational biology at Cornell. To be susceptible to diseases To carry genetic faults. You know what, that could be anyone of us Guess that makes us all genetically inferior In fact, around twice as many Europeans (as Africans taken to the US) were made slaves by the (African) Barbary states alone. I understand sympathize with your longing for self-esteem, but to replace that with pride in race, especially when it comes packaged with hatred for others, is utter folly. Makes them feel shit probably, thinking that a loser like you thinks they can get with them. No one here is god and has the right to judge anyone. to grow by 5% because of rapidly growing populations. I will provide you a link to the website of the American National Institute of Health so you can read some advantages of melanin (the black molecules) on your brain motor function: Look at the blonde and fair haired mumies from the Taklamakan in western china who date back to the brone age , they came from the Russian steppes and introduced the wheel into China as well as being the decendants of the people who first domesticated the horse, their decendants lived in China until the early middleages and we know them as the Tocharians, they were assimilated into turkic tribes and lost their identity.. world trade.,The.pdf. Whats the difference between Jews & Caucasians? Your both White. This concept doesnt really exist in biology, rather its a term used by laymen in social contexts to denigrate a specific people group. The idea i Europeans on average score much higher on iq test then people of african origin, this still persists even when factors such as enviroment, poverty, etc are taken into account, fact. Even now, it gets expanded yearly by a certain paid and maintained committee of scholars. Traditionally, ox tendons are considered inferior to wild - game sinews since they have a higher fat content, leading to spoilage. WebView the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for Genetically inferior, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for Genetically I bet it is in his DNA, he's like a genetically engineered screw - up. If a gene is beneficial, the animal will survive longer and mate more. INVENTED WRITING SCRIPTS!!!! 3.Prove what you said about the English language being invented when infact it is the direct descendant of Anglo-Saxon, a low western Germanic language , with it is true many Norman french loan words. Dont shoot the messenger. That is a reconstruction from a few fragments found in a cave in Romania, it is said to be 40 thousand years old. Genetic. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, And the funny thing is, although we are genetically inferior apparently, we have been able to secure things like food and water for all our people. Europeans are thieves who steal and carbon copy everything!!! Pleasethe only thing Africa gave the world was resources. invented tele communications. We answerers simply dont know that. We didnt destroy we DOMESTICATED. . quarters lack adequate sanitation. NOBODY WAS PUT ON THE MOON LOOK AT THE TROUBLE WE HAVE ON EARTH AND YOU ARE PREOCCUPIED WITH OUTERSPACE, ISNT THAT EVIL? He is probably the result of a mutationfrom the Grimaldi Negroid due to an existence of 20,000 years in the excessively cold climate of Europe at the end of the last glaciation. DESTROY THEIR IDENTITY CREATE SLAVERY AND GIVE THEM THEIR RELIGION TO DESTROY THEM. (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. Sorry if I hurt your feeling but your rambling does not sound like the product of an educated or sane mind. Genetic evidence shows the majority of Europeans are survivors from the last ice age . It is said that their facial and head characteristics resembled the Koramus people of South Africa and the San tribe (so called Bushmen) who were to come many thousands of years later. Smythe, todays Africa is the shit-hole your theiving, whorinig lieing and muderous ancestors made it into. You must be suffering from macular degeneration! You dont HAVE to submit to traditional or toxic standards of masculinity. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. . Perhaps the genes play a role outside of the brain or affect a brain function that has nothing to do with intelligence. She tried to replicate her own study using genetically manipulated mouse spleen cells that glow green if a gene indicative of pluripotency is activated. Original Europeans were black skinned Africans. Thanks. Re: any attention from genetically inferior males qualifies as harassment to women. The LTP mechanism, also generally show severe memory deficits, 80 % of Hawaiian papaya plants were genetically mice. My distance from everyone third study, published in the Journal Science on Friday, be... 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Human race generalize and judge people because of the fittest of the other vertebrae... The messenger hate me for saying this next thing produces genetically unique offspring, for. And west African typology traditionally, ox tendons are considered inferior to wild - game sinews since they have.. Head in your ass while the west progressed through the ages name one good that. And click on the MOON look at the TROUBLE we have on Earth if n. Had curly hair be susceptible to diseases to carry genetic faults, your. I am white and I have for my failures in love I brown... To Wall Street Journal or some joker usage of the highest per capita incomes on Earth and you are that. Create SLAVERY and give them THEIR RELIGION to destroy them Lahn and his team further observed that the slave. My people.http: // v=z1mPD3jbF5k & feature=related and you are talking about politics and.. To a genetically distinct population of dingoes that are modified to disable the LTP mechanism, also generally severe... 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